Thursday, July 25, 2024

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In Video: Tiffany Removed from SmackDown Title Sequence

As many of you pointed out in the comments of the previous Tiffany posts, the Diva was removed from the title sequence for SmackDown this week as news of her suspension and arrest comes to light.

Obviously, WWE removing all trace of the Diva from the opening leads to suspicion that she could be released.

The two shots of Tiffany used in the sequence have been replaced by shots of Michelle McCool and Kelly Kelly. The first shot, at the 10 second mark, and the second at the 33 second mark, which ironically appears after a shot of Drew McIntyre. Additionally, Women’s Champion Layla replaces JTG in the new title sequence; she now appears after McCool at the 10 second mark.

As a comparison, check out the new opening minus Tiffany below and last week’s title sequence, with Tiffany, after the cut:

New Title Sequence (No Tiffany)

More after the cut:

Old Title Sequence (with Tiffany)

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