Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Katie Lea’s Advice For HBK

Those Superstars, err, I mean “Entertainers” sure are getting snappy these days! And by snappy I mean bitchy. Even for kayfabe, the comments seem to get more below the belt by the day! From John Morrison’s aim at Candice, Shad Gaspard’s MySpace blast on Miz & Morrison and for the latest in-fight? Katie Lea turns her attention to legend, Shawn Michaels. Something tells me that’s not too wise a choice…

The second choice, the ‘Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels, isn’t much better… Seriously, do they still call him ‘Kid’…? Nevertheless, I will admit that it ‘Breaks my Heart’ (see how that works..?) that he still needs to be lurking around; and more than anything I’m tired of the moping and the constant boo-boo face… So let me address this little problem here directly: Shawn, please, please, please, for the love of God (no offense intended…) find your bloody smile already!! We know you’re miserable. You’ve been miserable for a while now. It’s time to get over it and move on.

Bitchy as it may be, it’s not far from the truth…

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