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HomeWWEFriday Night SmackDownLiv Morgan Brawls With Rousey Ahead Of Extreme Rules; Bianca Belair Saves...

Liv Morgan Brawls With Rousey Ahead Of Extreme Rules; Bianca Belair Saves Shotzi


Just one week prior to their championship match at Extreme Rules the SmackDown Women’s Champion Liv Morgan and her challenger Ronda Rousey are unleashed.

On the Sept. 30 episode of SmackDown, Rousey went one-on-one with Natalya. The two women put on a match that witnessed both of them trying to utilize their submission holds to gain a victory. As the match reached its conclusion, Natalya went for the Sharpshooter but Rousey countered it into the ankle lock. Natalya leaned back to pin Rousey’s shoulders to the mat for a count of two to break the hold. Following it up with a discus clothesline, Natalya gets another near fall and a count of two after going for the pin. Rousey would get Natalya in the ankle lock once again and this time Natalya has no choice but to tap out.

After the bout, Liv Morgan’s music hit and the champion headed down the ramp with a baseball bat in hand. Rousey stood at the bottom of the ramp waiting for her. The two would collide starting a brawl that took them around ringside. After the swing of the bat missed Rousey and connected with the ring post, Rousey delivered Piper’s Pit to Morgan at ringside.

The two would get into a tug of war over the bat until Rousey would be sent into the barricade. Rousey sends Morgan into the timekeeper’s area just before security shows up to try and calm Rousey down who had the bat in hand. Rousey would drop the bat and walk off but Morgan was back on her feet and went back after her Extreme Rules opponent. They continue to brawl as security continued to try and separate them to end the segment as the crowd chanted “let them fight.”

A second women’s match took place on this week’s SmackDown and it was the advertised match between Shotzi and Bayley. Shotzi is fully back to her baby face persona (minus her last name) as her tank has finally returned. Both women had a promo backstage prior to their bout. It would be Bayley that continues her momentum toward Extreme Rules as she took out Shotzi with the Rose Plant.

Post-match, Bayley delivered a second Rose Plant to Shotzi before pulling a ladder out from under the ring. In an attempt to send a message to the Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair ahead of their ladder match at Extreme Rules, Bayley placed Shotzi between the ladder. Prior to doing any further damage to Shotzi, Belair’s music hit and the Raw Women’s Champion was on SmackDown to make the save.

Bayley first went to deliver Rose Plant on the ladder to Belair but the champion would counter it into a KOD attempt. Bayley would get out of the KOD before it could be executed. It was confirmed that Bayley and Belair will have a contract signing on this Monday’s Raw just days before they have the first-ever one-on-one women’s Ladder Match in WWE’s main roster’s history.

Other women on the show included Maxxine Dupri who led the Maximum Male Models in an effort to beat the record of the longest pose in Canada’s history. They attempted to do this throughout the show before Max Dupri would turn on them just as they were seconds away from beating the record.

Scarlett was featured in a promo for Karrion Kross who was talking about his upcoming match against Drew McIntyre and how once he beats McIntyre at Extreme Rules he is heading for the title.

On this week’s NXT: Level Up, Thea Hail picks up a victory over Valentina Feroz.

Check back in with Diva Dirt for more news and results from the women of SmackDown.