Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Mae Young Classic Review: Episode 1

Kay Lee Ray vs. Princesa Sugehit

We’re treated to introduction video packages of our competitors. Sugehit talks of the origin behind her ring name and how happy she is to be representing Mexico in this tournament. Kay Lee Ray relishes on her high flying daredevil move set.

The women shake hands but things take a more competitive tone when KLR lands a chop to Sugehit. The luchadora responds with rapid kick strikes and a series of pin covers. When Sugehit goes for a crucifix pin, KLR reverses and locks in an elevated submission but Sugehit counters with a sunset flip for a two count.

KLR takes control after a knee shot to Sugehit. She takes Sugehit on a trip around the ring corners before landing a flatliner. KLR locks in a Koji Clutch but Sugehit escapes it by reversing into a roll up for a near fall.

Sugehit goes for a few more stiff kicks but KLR catches one of them for another chance to set up for a Gory Bomb. KLR connects it this time around but only earns a two count.

The Scottish star decides to climb the top rope of a corner but misses her Swanton Bomb finisher. Sugehi takes advantage, locks in an armbar and forces KLR to tap out. Adelante Princessa!

In a post match interview, Princessa Sugehit plans to put her experience of 20 years in round two of the Mae Young Classic.

Thoughts: This was my first time seeing Princessa Sugehit’s work so, initially, I found myself rooting for Kay Lee Ray. Although I was surprised to see KLR eliminated so early, I enjoyed this opening match; it was fun, showcased both women’s style of wrestling and had lots of back and forth action. As a fan of the lucha style, I’m looking forward to seeing what Sugehit can do in the next round.

Triple H has previously said that when making these brackets, he wanted to find a way to tell a story within these matches. Here, the commentary (bless Lita for trying but this is not her forte) were putting over Sugehit’s years of experience which was pretty much the story being told: the veteran being one step ahead the young star.

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