Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Mae Young Classic Review: Episode 1

Abbey Laith vs. Jazzy Gabert

Jazzy calls herself a fighter who wants to bring total destruction to the ring. Abbey calls Mae Young an inspiration and says that the Alligator Clutch was passed down from Mae to her trainers. She wants to keep Mae’s spirit alive and will not back down from anyone in this tournament until she is the first winner of the Mae Young Classic.

Gabert pulls in Laith during their handshake. The bell sounds off and Abbey quickly lays forearms to Gabert, who eats them up and shoves Laith down. Gabert tosses Laith around the ring, beats her down with hammer shots to the chest and back.

The Alpha Female wears Laith down by grinding her down with a submission. Laith tries using a head scissors to escape but Gabert isn’t letting go and locks in a rear naked choke hold. Laith manages to escape after reversing Gabert’s hold into a pin cover. Things move to a corner where Gabert remains in control with punches, stomps and thrusts to the midsection.

When Gabert goes for a charging attack, Laith gets the boot up to halt her. Laith goes for a crossbody from the second but gets caught mid-flight and slammed down on the mat. Gabert scoops Laith up but Laith slips behind and is able to land in some offense with some high kicks and an enziguri!

Laith climbs the turnbuckle again, this time successfully hitting a Swanton Bomb for a near three count. Gabert takes back control with a lariat that nearly takes Laith’s head off. She scoops Laith up for a powerslam but Laith is able to get out with an Alligator Clutch for the win! Emotions are high but the two women hug it out post match and Gabert raises Laith arm in the spirit of sportsmanship.

Post match interviews include comments from both Laith and Gabert. Laith says she feels she is on top of the world knowing she defeated down a monster with the fans fully behind her. Meanwhile Gabert promises to be back as she declares that “this is not over”.

Thoughts: This was my favorite match of episode one, most deserving of the main event slot. Two experienced stars who were able to tell the classic David vs. Goliath story in a match. The crowd was alive, which only made the match stand out that much more, and kudos to the finish which was a nod to Mae Young. Will Gabert’s post comments lead to a chance of seeing her signed to a deal once this tournament wraps up? I’m all for it!

What were your favorite moments from episode one of the Mae Young Classic? Would you like to see anyone sign to a WWE deal? Which matches are you looking forward to during round two? Let us know in the comments below! 

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