Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Natalya Follows Her ‘Hart’, Reveals Crush on Great Khali have posted an exclusive backstage segment and it appears that Natalya has plucked up the courage to talk to her ‘crush’.

It has been rumored that Ms Neidhart may have a soft spot for The Great Khali, and she approached him following his win over David Otunga on SmackDown.

The Dungeon Diva congratulated the Punjabi Playboy and said that he reminded her of her grandfather, Stu Hart because he is “so technical in the ring”. (Were you watching the same match we were, Nattie?)

Khali expressed his thanks before Nat left the scene and Hornswoggle, Khali’s new mascot, suggested that next time, maybe Khali needs to ask Natalya on a date.

Thoughts: From flatulence storylines to potentially dating Khali, it seems like Natalya is prone to pulling the short straw! However, as Trish Stratus once said of Natalya’s trumping angle, she should embrace it and just run with it, and I think the same can be said here. Khali and Hornswoggle are popular with young children so this storyline could do wonders for the former Divas Champion.

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