Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Natalya Gets Women’s Championship Match

Simmer down… Only at a house show! Yes, third-gen Diva Natalya scored a big match against Women’s Champ, Michelle McCool yesterday in Düsseldorf, Germany.

While the Raw brand has a set #1 Contender [Alicia Fox] to face Melina on their European tour, women’s wrestling fans who are attending the SmackDown side of things are getting more than their money’s worth — two Divas matches! The shtick for the past few shows has been holding a battle royal with all the SmackDown/ECW Divas early in the night with the winner returning to face McCool later for the title.

Natalya beat Beth Phoenix, Katie Lea, Layla, Mickie James and Rosa Mendes in a battle royal before losing a title match against McCool.

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