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NXT Redux (October 11th, 2017): Let the War Games begin!

Hola NXT fans and welcome to this week’s NXT Redux! We are a nearly month away from NXT TakeOver: Houston War Games, which will see a new NXT Women’s Champion crowned. Who will join Kairi Sane in the hopes of becoming the new face of the NXT Women’s Division? Let’s find out in our first NXT Women’s qualifying match that sees a triple threat match between Liv Morgan, Nikki Cross and Peyton Royce (with Billie Kay).

Our women’s match kicks off this week’s show and after each NXT Superstar makes their respective entrances, the match begins with Cross and Morgan working together against Royce. They take turns toying with one half of the Iconic Duo and manage to take Royce to the outside with a running clothesline.

Morgan then takes some initiative by landing a head scissors takeover on Cross and then an enziguri on Royce when she re-enters the ring. Cross sees an opening and takes Morgan on a trip to the turnbuckles, driving her headfirst to two different corners. She then climbs on Mogran’s back and tries to wear down.

When Royce remerges, Cross takes a chance to shove Morgan in her direction but the plan backfires when Morgan and Royce catch Cross midflight and slam her onto the mat. Royce goes for the cover but a nearby Morgan breaks it up.

An argument breaks out between the two women but Royce wins their fist bout when she takes Morgan to the ropes for a dirty submission hold. Cross makes the save from the outside and climbs the top rope of a corner to hit a missile dropkick on Morgan. She turns her attention to Royce with running forearms and even gets a shot to Kay when she tries to interfere.

Cross stays in control and hits a snapping neck breaker on Morgan for a two count. The three Superstars get back to their feet and fight for control from a corner ,setting up for a Tower a Doom spot!

All three women are down when suddenly NXT’s Undisputed Era posse of Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish bring down Mae Young Classic competitor Taynara Conti to the entrance ramp. After some prep talk from the Undisputed Era gang, Conti struts down to the ring and pulls Cross’ leg. Royce tries to capitalize on the distraction by rolling up Cross from behind but only earns a two count.

Cross keeps her focus on Royce and hits a swinging neck breaker. She goes for the cover but Morgan runs in to break it up. Cross hits a second neck breaker, this time an elevated one from the top rope on Morgan. She goes for another cover but once again, Conti interferes from the outside.

And angered Cross screams and begins to chase Conti but in the midst of it, she gets his by a high Spinning Kick from Royce. Royce adds a Fishermen Suplex which is enough to put Nikki Cross down for the three count! Peyton is heading to TakeOver: War Games!

Tears are shed and poppers go off in a post celebration interview where Royce says she no one deserves this opportunity at TakeOver than one half of the Iconic Duo.

Meanwhile, Conti meets up with the Undisputed Era for answers to their undisclosed deal but instead, the laugh off Conti’s supposed proposal and walk off. Womp, Womp, Womp….

It also announced that next week’s episode of NXT will feature a triple threat match between Ember Moon, Ruby Riot and Sonya Deville as part of the second qualifying NXT Women’s Championship match.

Señorita Zelina Vega accompanies her associate Andrade Almas during his TakeOver: Brooklyn rematch against Johnny Gargano on this week’s NXT main event.

Although her wanting to distract Gargano by wearing a DIY shirt isn’t as impactful compared to TakeOver: Brooklyn, it is enough to give Almas a break away from the Gargano Escape and later pick up the win.

Thoughts: NXT has really been picking up the pieces with their Women’s division. The matches have been solid, stories have been told and we’ve slowly been seeing new faces come across our television screen.

I have to say Liv Morgan impressed me in this match. The WWE have been polishing Liv for her big moment in the weeks leading up to this match and I really saw improvements from her. Working with experienced talents such as Nikki Cross and Peyton Royce can only do favors for Liv so I’m hoping to more from her.

The real surprise this week was Taynara Conti! Wow did she really play a role in costing Cross her spot at TakeOver! Sure, it was minor, simple and was merely used as a way to continue the men’s Undisputed Era/Sanity feud but it gave Taynara some screen time and can lead to some conflict/story between the women.

I’m super ecstatic to see Peyton Royce earn her spot for TakeOver next month. As I said a few weeks ago, I feel like the Iconic Duo have really been the ones helping carry NXT Women’s division ‘mid-card’ outside the title picture. They’re well rounded in the ring, have established heel characters and can really refresh things when it comes to the NXT Women’s Title picture.

Zelina Vega has been slowly making waves for Andrade Almas. She’s been playing mind games with Johnny Gargano and I look forward to seeing what else she has in mind as she and Almas continue to try and steal the spotlight on NXT. It’s always fun to see when a woman can get involved in a main event scene!

What did you think of this week’s episode of NXT? Are you excited for TakeOver: War Games? What do you think of Zelina Vega’s current role? Let us know in the comments below!

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