Sunday, February 16, 2025

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Raw Redux Does WWE Superstars (August 13, 2009)


The Divas got the main event last night… though calm down, it’s not that auspicious because the show was WWE Superstars. Plus they had to share it with the men, so even less auspicious. All in all, Divas Champion Mickie James and Rosa Mendes came off as an afterthought [now there’s a shock] to their male counterparts.


That Rosa Mendes, quite the hellion, isn’t she? Girl, if you don’t have the moves to back yourself up, please don’t step to the Divas Champion. But she did! There was a nice exchange to kick off the match, with Carlito and Kofi Kingston pulling apart the two Divas. And as you can see in the image above, Rosa shoots a scowl that would make a serpent blush.

Officiating this match, you may have noticed, is the same referee that does all the Divas matches [including this week’s Raw and SmackDown]. He really should just get a t-shirt that reads “Official Diva Mascot.”

Anyhoo, after some wrestling between Carlito & Kofi that I skipped through, we get a tag from Carlito to Rosa which means Mickie has to come in too. The Divas Champ wastes no time, throwing Rosa over the top rope, the rookie lands awkwardly. Mickie gets things off to a good start, with a clothesline then a double forearm on Mendes. The Latina however fights back with a knee to the gut, Mickie hits a baseball slide and snapmares Rosa. A nice front dropkick by Mickie.

Rosa gets to her feet and hits an awkward looking elbow to Mickie’s face, followed by a double axehandle and a shimmy. Yes, a shimmy.

A few exchanges between the two as Rosa has Mickie on the canvas and locks in a headlock. Mickie begins to mount fan support and counters the sleeper. Rosa throws Mickie into the corner, Mickie uses her leg to stop herself from eating turnbuckle, turns back and we have a head-on collision. Rosa quickly tags out to Carlito and that’s pretty much your lot, save for the standard catfight near the end.

So what have we learnt from this week’s show? Not a lot. Not too much Divas action in there so I left feeling a little ‘eh’. Not to mention the prospect of Rosa vs Mickie isn’t all too exciting, let’s be honest. Rosa still needs to work on her timing & her selling, she tends to land awkwardly and I fear one day she may hurt herself.

If you’re feeling as underwhelmed as I, there’s a fun yet random Melanie observation after the cut:


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