Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Raw Redux (June 13th, 2011): A Chorus Line… Seriously?

This week on a special three hour edition of Raw, all the Divas from SmackDown and Raw are coming together for a good ol’ fashioned 7-on-7 tag team match. Judging from past experiences, this should be quite… er, interesting…

Watch below as Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix, Eve, Gail Kim, Natalya, AJ and Kaitlyn take on the team of Brie and Nikki Bella, Alicia Fox, Melina, Tamina, Maryse and Rosa Mendes:

Out first are the heels, clad in black (mostly… Hey, Tamina!), followed closely by the babyface team with Kelly leading the pack. Both teams head to their respective corners, the bell is rung and our match is underway.

Kelly and Brie starts thing off for their teams, but Brie quickly tags in Rosa. Rosa sashays her way into the ring and takes a swing at Kelly. Unfortunately for Rosa, Kelly evades and takes her down with a Thesz Press, followed by an ass slap. Before Rosa gathers her bearings before Kelly proceeds to smash her face into the turnbuckle, sending her down in the corner and gives her a stinkface for good measure. Kelly finishes off her flurry with a running bulldog and goes for the pin, but is interrupted by Brie.

Apparently, this was a signal for all the Divas to storm the ring, because all hell broke loose as the Divas went after each other. When the smoke cleared, Kelly and Rosa were left in the ring. Kelly seized her moment and hit the K2 to pick up the win for her team.

Post-match, the babyfaces decided to have their own chorus line as a tribute to the Tony Awards on Sunday night. Yeah… My words have failed me.

I’ve never understood the point of having these huge Diva tag matches, if most of the girls aren’t going to get used. I would have much preferred to see a normal tag match, to be honest.

The lack of storyline progression is another issue that has plagued the Divas division as of late. As I’ve said before, I think the sudden departure of Kharma really threw a monkey wrench in WWE’s plans for the Divas, but that’s no excuse. There needs to be some sort of contingency plan for when these things happen. And even if there isn’t, there needs to be a better recovery time than this. It’s been several weeks since the Kharma storyline was dropped, and we still don’t have a contender or a clear cut direction for the division, which is a crying shame.

After seeing the treatment the Divas were treated on this edition of Raw, I don’t have high hopes for next week’s 3-hour Raw. Hopefully WWE can spare more than 3 minutes for the Divas next week. Maybe we’ll even get a… *gasp* storyline. Fingers crossed, people.

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