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Raw Redux (October 26th, 2015): Paige Cleans (Her) House

Paige‘s true colors are shiiiinnning through!

She is green with envy and red with how hot the crowd were for the not-so-shocking reveal of her clear intentions.

Last night was a rare episode of Raw that was practically fantastic from start to finish, Divas included. Stephanie McMahon kicked off the show by kissing Seth Rollins‘ backside (thankfully not literally) and we were treated to a further backstage segment, decent six-Diva tag team match with a post-match beatdown and there was just chance for a burst of Summer sunshine.

First up on this week’s agenda was my religious figure, Stephanie McMessiah. If you’re a fan of nauseating self indulgence and puckering up to Seth Rollins’ nether-cheeks, then you will be in luck. Stephanie and Triple H were gushing at how amazing both they and Seth have been as a unit.

The Authority now believe that Seth has proven himself as a champion, and they simply have no more obstacles they want to test him with. As Seth has now showcased that he is “The Man”, Trips and Steph set up a one night tournament with a Fatal-4-Way finale to crown a new #1 Contender. That man must win two major battles to prove that they are worthy enough to step into the ring with Seth ‘Pictures of my junk are all over the internet’ Rollins. This was a great segment to open the show and set up a fantastic one night concept perfectly.

We head backstage next as Paige attempts to get on the same page (page/Paige mania, keep up) with Becky Lynch and WWE Divas Champion, Charlotte. Paige says that everyone has been wanting a piece of her since she was on the Conan O’ Brien show last week.

The CB of PCB aren’t impressed with Paige’s ego but Charlotte falls for Paige’s spiel after the latter compliments the champion. Miss Flair even asks for Becky’s approval as to whether Paige can start to tag with them again. Becky says that they do need a partner, so let’s give it a go. Before leaving for their match, Charlotte makes it clear that if she finds out Paige was responsible for attacking Natalya, there will be consequences. I assume those consequences will be a few chops, a spinning neckbreaker and a spear, right? The band are back together again… for now.

Following entrances (in which Team Bella got a massive reaction during theirs), the match starts with Paige stepping in-front of Charlotte to protect her from Nikki Bella. Charlotte lets Paige kicks things off and so she does.

The two 2x Divas Champions exchange collar-and-elbow tie-ups before Paige hits an armdrag and a leg sweep. Following a one count, Hell in Boots delivers two blasts to Nikki’s face with her knee whilst declaring that – in case we didn’t know – this is well and truly her house. Her house gets rattled shortly after however when Nikki plants her with a spinebuster. The longest reigning Divas Champion sends the new belt beholder flying off the apron with a forearm and then tags in Alicia Fox.

Foxy is barely in the ring and Paige has already fought back, practically rupturing Alicia’s stomach with a stiff kick. Charlotte makes the blind tag enabling her and Paige hit to deck ‘Lic with a double dropkick. Tandem kip-ups follow and PCB are looking good! Charlotte’s momentum continues to roll as she hits a spinning neckbreaker and big leg sweep on Alicia, setting herself up a nice little knee drop reminiscent of her Dad, Harley Race. Oh wait, my mistake, her dad is Greg Valentine.

Charlotte turns her attention to Nikki Bella, giving her a taste of her own medicine by pushing her to the arena floor. Charlotte isn’t as lucky as Nikki though as her opponent isn’t flat on the mat. Alicia is ready and waiting and she drops Charlotte with one of the most beautiful looking moves in WWE, her tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Brie Bella enters the fray for the first time next, hitting a double team move with Foxy which she follows up with a running knee. The crowd chant “We Want Becky!” (which I am THRILLED about) as Brie locks Charlotte into a short submission. Once that proves unsuccessful, Brie mocks the crowd and the “Lass Kicker” when pummelling Charlotte with kicks reminiscent of her husband, Skip Sheffield. Or is it Michael Tarver that Brie is married to? WWE never tell us so it has slipped my mind!

Brie goes for one kick too many and Charlotte relies on her instincts to avoid a final shot. She deals Brie with a neckbreaker, allowing her to get enough breathing room to recharge and then tag in who the crowd are asking for – Becky Lynch! Becky takes Nikki down with successive clotheslines and a jumping calf kick. She continues her spirited onslaught with a springboard kick in the corner and a T-bone suplex.

Brie breaks up the subsequent pin attempt so Charlotte then breaks her up with a spear! Alicia darts into the ring and sends her boot in Charlotte’s mush but Becky manages to make quick work of her. Nikki retaliates towards Becky with a kick and then she clouts Paige off the apron. Becky tries to take advantage of that moment with a schoolgirl, but Nikki fights out. The Fearlesss leader of the Bella Army reverses a European uppercut from Becky, hitting her with what I think is her 765957th forearm of doom in this match. The Rack Attack follows, and Team Bella bag the win.

Interestingly, it seems like Paige could have broken up that pin. Did she do it on purpose? Well yes, yes she did. As Charlotte tends to Becky, Paige starts to assault Charlotte, stomping a mudhole in her Stone Cold style. She then dishes out RamPaiges to both Charlotte and Becky before locking the PTO in on Charlotte. Paige celebrates to rapturous applause from the WWE Universe as she seems to her turn over a new page towards a new chapter.

Finally, Summer Rae and her badass self also managed to stroll onto our screens last night. She accompanies Tyler Breeze… to the spot next to commentary booth. Hey, it’s VIPs only!

Quite an unusual way to mark your first night on Raw!

Thoughts: Summer Rae cut a phenomenal promo a few weeks and made major waves on SmackDown with Tyler, only to stand at the commentary booth? Boring! Tyler not even interfering in the main event seemed a little weird too. He just debuted and he is already sat schmoozing with Michael Cole? Hopefully this was a one-off blip and was WWE’s way of putting Tyler on-screen without overshadowing the Fatal 4 Way story. Alternatively, WWE could have had Ziggler face Cesaro instead (a more believable main event choice than Big E) and have Summer Breeze cost Dolph the win but no, WWE couldn’t give Cesaro a mini push could they whilst enabling Tyler to make a bigger impact?

No sassy Renee Young this week? Gutted! Whilst I am disappointed at that, I am very happy with what were treated to last night. Before I discuss the match, I have an idea for how Renee can get back involved into this story. How about we have her question Paige again next week, only for a match to be set up between Renee and Paige. Before the match even begins, Natalya can charge down and make her return, attacking Paige and announcing that it was indeed her who left her lying. I wanted it to be Becky but I assume that isn’t the way WWE are going now! Please make it happen WWE?

Regarding the match, I thought it was a really nice change of pace. Whilst it was a six-Diva tag and we have seen an infinite amount of those over the past few months, the minimal reliance on restholds was very refreshing, as was see Becky be the one to take advantage of a hot tag rather than be pummelled throughout the entire match. I was a big fan of how this match was switched up. Whilst it won’t stay in my mind for the rest of eternity, I did enjoy the crisp nature of the work done. Becky’s T-bone, Alicia’s backbreaker and Brie’s kick combo were definitely highlights, as was Nikki’s unique (kind-of) backslide reversal to the European uppercut. All-in-all, a very enjoyable match that was long enough in my opinion.

With that win, where does Nikki go from here? Perhaps her, Paige and Natalya can clash in a triple threat to see who becomes #1 contender? That makes logical sense to me because at the moment, Paige hasn’t won for about 3 years and Natalya is definitely the dark horse in all of this. I would like to see Becky involved to make it a Fatal 4 Way, yet I sadly don’t see her being included. Maybe the reaction she got from the crowd tonight will change that.

I am just glad that the whole rematch clause ‘story’ is over with and something a little more interesting can start so that Charlotte’s reign can become more memorable. We have the personal ingredients now what with Paige betraying her friends and attacking another, so hopefully WWE can really build on that and keep the momentum going. Maybe have Paige hit Ric Flair or kayfabe kill one of Nattie’s cats or something to raise the stakes even further? Paige is deliciously volatile as a character and hopefully WWE continue to show that fact off by giving her outrageous antics to carry out.

Gears have been shifted in the Divas division and here’s hoping that the proverbial car charges full speed ahead and not crash and burn leaving us shaking our heads!

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