Monday, May 20, 2024

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Recap of Rosita on NBC’s “Children of 9/11”

Tonight, TNA Knockout Rosita, who lost her father during the 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center, is featured in an NBC documentary “Children of 9/11”.

The documentary follows 11 people including Rosita — real name Thea Trinidad — who lost their parents during 9/11.

Recap of the documentary below:

* Law & Order: SVU star Mariska Hargitay opens the documentary as host. She says: “Tonight we salute these remarkable individuals. This is their story.”

* Rosita interview. She says she was home when the attack happened. She says she saw her mom was panicked. Rosita’s mom says her husband called to say goodbye. “She was freaking out. I was like, what’s going on?” Rosita thought she was talking about her uncle, but her mom said it was her dad. “As soon as she said that my heart just dropped,” says Rosita.

* Graphic of Rosita’s father is shown on screen. It says he was on the 103rd floor of the north tower. “There’s no words to describe that feeling,” says Rosita. “This can’t be real. This can’t be happening.”

* Narrator says Rosita and her brother were sent to therapist to deal with grief. “We were mad at the world. We didn’t know who to direct our anger to. We were just pissed off.”

* Rosita says her dad was the one who got her into wrestling and that she she plans on honoring his memory this year in the wrestling ring. She says she can see him in the front row and knows that he’s watching.

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