This week’s episode of NXT UK managed to feature multiple women with two matches for us and a glimpse of what the next few weeks may look like for the brand as the NXT 2.0 invasion continues.

First, we know Sarray was excited to face the top talent at NXT UK and we see her pay her respects to NXT UK Women’s Champion, Meiko Satomura, in her dressing room before leaving to prepare for her match.
After she leaves, Meiko reminds Emilia McKenzie that Sarray did not come alone and reveals that next week McKenzie will face Fallon Henley. Meiko tells Emilia she hopes to see ‘fighting spirit’. After her protege failed to dispatch Lash Legend recently, are we beginning to see some cracks in their relationship?
Marking her first appearance since losing her title shot to Satomura in April, Isla Dawn has returned to an NXT UK ring in a winning effort against Myla Grace. The differ in their in-ring style and aesthetic so it made for an interesting bout. The pair exchange grapples and near falls with Grace’s determination being talked about on commentary. After a poor decision that sees her fly from the top rope to only ht the mat, Grace is rocked by a brutal kick to the side of the head that allows Dawn to hit her finisher and put Grace down for the three.
From one NXT UK Original to another, our Leading Lady Nina Samuels makes her way to the ring to show Sarray the same hospitality she gave Ivy Nile.
Sarray does well to use her speed against Nina Samuels who in turn utilizes her size and strength advantage at every opportunity she is given to slow down Sarray. The NXT UK fans are behind Sarray who begins to show frustration after a string of roll-ups fail to give her the victory. At one point, Nina sets up Sarray for a superplex but a headbutt sends her back down and Sarray hits a powerful double stomp from the middle rope.
The finish comes shortly after when Sarray hits her basement dropkick and then the sleeper suplex.
The night isn’t over for the NXT 2.0 star, however, as she is interviewed backstage before the duo of Xia Brookside and Eliza Alexander arrive to first mock and then warn Sarray if she thinks about taking championship opportunities from them. Things seem to escalate until Meiko Satomura appears, causing Xia and Eliza to retreat for now.
And as we now know, Blair Davenport will be making her return to NXT UK and we don’t need to wait long as she returns next week and her intentions are clear. She wants the NXT UK Women’s Championship.
Also, at the close of this week’s episode we see Fallon Henley celebrate with her boys who have just been crowned the new NXT UK Tag Team Champions.
Authors Take –
I really think, minus Kay Lee Ray‘s address to the division, that this might have been the most women getting featured on NXT UK, at least for some time. I am a huge fan of the NXT 2.0 stars coming over and getting eyes on the division, a Sarray and Meiko team-up and potential match is an exciting prospect for me.
Isla Dawn is finally back… to almost no fanfare. It’s great to see her get the win this week and commentary did their best to sell her frustration at the loss to Meiko but there could have been more for her. The match with Myla Grace was a little awkward in places for me but overall it was an enjoyable watch.
Nina vs Sarray was a very strong match, the psychology of speed vs strength was really prominent throughout and although I knew there was no chance of Sarray losing I was still wondering how she would win. The backstage confrontation with Xia and Eliza sets up a tag match very nicely and this was the first time I didn’t totally cringe at Xia’s character. Her promos are getting better and the partnership works really well.
I do feel that we may be beginning to see a breakdown in the partnership between Meiko and Emilia and I am so ready for it. Serving as Meiko’s protege isn’t doing anything for Emilia and I really think a stern, no-nonsense heel character would suit her far better.
Are you ready for Blair Davenport’s return? Will Emilia be able to fight back Fallon Henley? Sound off in the comments!