Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Sasha Banks & Bayley capture the Women’s Tag Team Titles on SmackDown

In a shocking main event, Sasha Banks & SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley are now two-time Women Tag Team Champions. This match was announced last week saw the now-former champs Nikki Cross & Alexa Bliss defend the titles against the first-ever champions. The two teams showed that either could win throughout the match, but towards the end, a miscommunication between Banks and Bayley almost cost them the win.

As the match reaches its climax, Bliss and Bayley were perched on the second rope as Bayley delivers a Bayley to Belly. The SmackDown Women’s Champion would quickly tag in Banks who delivered a running knee to Bliss. She hooks both legs and nearly became new champions right there.

While Bliss and Banks were in the ring, Cross prevents Bayley from entering the ring to save her partner and delivers a Tornado DDT off the ring apron. Almost simultaneously, Bliss hits a Sunset Bomb on Banks and nearly retains the titles.

Cross is tagged in and hits a cross body on Banks. Banks attempts to go for a tag, but Bayley is still laid out from the Tornado DDT. Cross goes for a neckbreaker but Banks was able to counter and land on her feet. Bayley then blind tags herself in.

Banks unaware of the tag hits the backstabber on Cross and has the Bank Statement locked in. Knowing that she is the legal woman, Bayley gets Banks off of Cross and applies the Bank Statement herself. Cross counters out of it and goes for a pin, but Banks breaks it up. Banks drags Bayley to the corner and tags herself in.

Bayley prevents Bliss from getting back in the ring as the Bank Statement was once again locked in on Cross. Cross rolled through and had Banks’ shoulders down for a count of two. Banks reversed it into a crucifix pin on Cross for the win. We have NEW Women’s Tag Team Champions!!

Bayley is now a double champion and both her and Banks are two-time Women’s Tag Team Champions.

What did you think of this match and the outcome? Were you expecting this result? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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