Sunday, February 16, 2025

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Spotted: Kelly Kelly & Jeremy Piven in New York

Oh em gee… what do we have here?! It’s the first pictures of Raw Diva, Kelly Kelly with Emmy-award winning actor and serial lothario, Jeremy Piven! And you saw ’em here first!

Miss Kelly has been rumoured to be courted by Piven since he hosted Raw last month. Good ol’ JR became a Page Six for the wrestling industry, revealing J-Piv scored K2’s number backstage — and we all thought he was just talking kayfabe! Kelly was reported to have been at the NY Jets game last night with the Entourage star too. And that brings us to this…

Meet the morning after! Piven and Kelly were spotted in NY this morning. Sure she’s wearing a cap and you can’t really see her face, but with the reports from last night & that hard-to-mistake weave — we are certain that these pics are of our lil Kelly.

And how proud we feel, our K2 is all growed up and on the arm of an A-List star. And to think, just three years ago, she couldn’t unhook her own bra. *Sniffle*

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