Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Tegan Nox speaks on coming out as a lesbian and the positive reaction from fans

Over this past weekend, Tegan Nox posted to her social media a photo of her and her girlfriend. The photo shows Tegan with a rainbow face mask on and the caption reading “Life is good” with the colored hearts of the rainbow.

She had an interview with Newsweek about coming out and the steps that led up to this decision to be open about herself.

“My life has always been a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ situation, but I felt like it was the right time, especially when you’ve found the right one you’re in love with. It was the right time to do that,” Nox said. “The reaction has been great. There are a few people who obviously don’t agree with that, but 99 percent of the reactions have been positive. I’ve got texts coming through from so many colleagues and friends. It was nice. It’s great to see that there are so many nice people in the world.”

A good voice and shoulder to lean on into making this decision is Sonya Deville who has essentially been an openly proud lesbian since being with WWE. She had the following to say about Deville who helped her be more comfortable and ready to share her complete self with the WWE Universe.

Credit: WWE

“I actually talked to Sonya before I even did this. She was a big, big help. She gave me her phone number and told me to text her if I needed anything. So we keep in contact quite a lot about it. She’s a massive help with the fans because my family knew but my fans didn’t. So she helped me bring it out to the public.”

Other topics were discussed during the interview including her prior injuries and the women’s evolution. She was asked if she were to compete in an Evolution 2 who would she want to face. Her answer should come as to no surprise as she has adapted the Molly-go-round.

“Oh, Molly Holly. Please give me a Molly Holly match, I just need it. I’m not asking for a lot. Just one match. Let’s go, Molly. If you want me to shave my head, I don’t care. We’ll have a hair vs hair match. Let’s go!!”

Credit: WWE

Nox recently had her first NXT Women’s Title match this week against Io Shriai. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to pick up the gold. She also had teamed with Shotzi Blackheart recently to face Sasha Banks and Bayley for the Women’s Tag Titles and also came up short. It is only a matter of time for gold to be on the girl with The Shiniest Wizard.

For the full interview with Newsweek please click here.

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