Thursday, July 25, 2024

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The Diva Dirt Sheet Discussion Point – July 22, 2008

For those of you who tuned into the Diva Dirt Sheet last week, you’d know we have a “discussion point” feature, where you guys get to have your say on a topic. Erin and I will read out your comments and ideas, as well as throw in our own. So what is this week’s discussion point?

This week, we’re stealing a little idea from Wendy Williams, the controversial shock jock turned talk show host. Now, Wendy does a little thing on her radio show called “friends in my head”, basically celebrities whom if she knew in person, she thinks she would be BFFs with them. So we want to ask you, which Divas – past or present – are a friend in your head? Which Divas do you think, if you knew, you would hang out with and have something in common with?

Comment with your Divas and be sure to tell us why! Hopefully you’ll get name checked on the Dirt Sheet, this Thursday!

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