Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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The Diva Dirt Writers’ Choice Awards 2011: Best Breakthrough, Feud, Heel, Babyface & Most Improved

Diva Dirt presents the first annual Writers’ Choice Awards, the awards that celebrate the year in women’s wrestling, as decided by the editors and contributors of Diva Dirt. The Diva Dirt team has watched hundreds of episode of wrestling television this year, as well as hundreds of live events on DVD, additionally, we’ve followed a countless number of wrestlers over the year, and reviewed tons of matches. Now, as we come to the end of 2011, we have picked the best of the best to be awarded our Writers’ Choice blue ribbons.

Karen Jarrett vs the Knockouts Division
It’s a classic story: the abusive owner treating the employees like dirt. It’s a story that pretty much everyone can relate to. In 2011, Karen Jarrett‘s tyrannous reign over the Knockouts division captured the imaginations of fans as we waited to see just what she would do next.

The Knockouts VP lorded over the division like Darth Vader taking every opportunity to make the lives of Velvet Sky and assistant Traci Brooks a living hell.

A testament to Karen, the VP drew a lot of heat from fans as we couldn’t wait to see her get her comeuppance.

Unfortunately, the feud felt like it was cut short when Karen was “fired” in December, but for a few months, this was an exciting time to be watching Impact Wrestling.

Continue to the next page for the next award…

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