Thursday, February 13, 2025

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TLC Results: Nikki extinguishes Carmella’s fire

[media-credit name=”WWE” align=”alignnone” width=”620″]tlcresults2016-nikki-vs-carmella[/media-credit]

After three months of ambush attacks and war of words, Carmella and Nikki Bella took their feud to a no DQ match.

Nikki took down Carmella early on with a spear and the Superstars stumbled to the outside ring. Nikki set Carmella up a powerbomb to the ring apron but Carmella countered with a head scissors to the steel steps.

The action found its way back to the ring after Carmella threw Nikki to the barricade. From there, Carmella began to target Nikki’s left leg, striking the body part with a kendo stick.
When Carmella went for her Code of Silence finisher, Nikki reached for the same kendo stick used against her to strike Carmella and escape the submission hold.

The Superstars scattered to the outside again, where Nikki landed a big boot to the back of Carmella and followed up with a flying kick from the barricade. As the match came to an end, Nikki slowed down Carmella’s pace with the use of a fire extinguisher and stacked up the Staten Island Princess with a Rack Attack for the three count.

Post match, Carmella took to the mic to inform Nikki know that she wasn’t behind the Survivor Series attack that forced Nikki to be sidelined. Rather it was Nikki’s Total Divas co-star Natalya.

What did you think of the match?

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