Thursday, February 13, 2025

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TNA Impact Spoilers: March 17th, 2011

Spoilers for Thursday’s Impact:

* For the TNA Knockouts Championship, Alissa Flash vs. Madison Rayne w/Tara. Winner via Rayne Drop in under a minute, Madison Rayne. Mickie James runs out right away but Madison and Tara bail. James is sick of Rayne’s ridiculous title bouts. If she’s a fighting champ then come here and fight me. Madison asks James what she thinks gives her the right to demand title shot after title shot after title shot. She’s out of chances and it’s not worth her while. James asks what would make it worth her while? Madison wants Mickie’s locks. After beating Mickie she wants to embarrass her and shave her head. Mickie agrees.

* Hernandez & Sarita & Rosita vs. Matt Morgan & Angelina Love & Winter. Angelina had a new entrance video and music. It’s a street fight but not announced as one. Winner via catatonic back breaker from Winter to Rosita, Morgan, Angelina and Winter. Really quick match. An unidentified Hispanic guy came out and helped Hernandez after the match. Morgan ran them off and then celebrated in the ring. (Source: Wrestling News World)

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