It looks like Traci Brooks won’t be gracing the cover of Playboy.. or the magazine at all, for that matter. According to PWInsider.com, Traci’s nude photoshoot in the adult magazine has been nixed from the print version. A change in editors is said to be the cause, as the new editor wanting nothing to do with wrestling, and did not want the magazine associated with the business. Ouch.. For those of you itching to see Brooks in the buff, never fear–the shoot will still see the light of day, just on Playboy.com’s “Cyber Club”.
I guess this is one WWE-mimicking move that seriously backfired on TNA. But hey, it was bound to happen sometime. Traci’s TNA return and inclusion in the Main Event Mafia had pretty much everything to do with her upcoming Playboy pictorial, so it’ll be interesting to see where TNA goes with her from here.
I think, once and for all, this can end the trend of wrestling women posing in Playboy. Personally, I’m not mourning its death–if Playboy thinks wrestling has a stigma, then screw them. The publicity from the shoots post-Sable and Chyna wasn’t game-changing anyways. Let them have Heidi Montag and her lens-flared nipples.