Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Upcoming Impact Wrestling & TNA ONO PPV Spoilers

Below are spoilers for upcoming episodes of TNA Impact Wrestling as well as a future unnamed TNA One Night Only PPV.


Impact Wrestling:

* Jeremy Borash introduces a “Road To Glory” edition of Impact and brings out Ethan Carter III and Lashley. Both men will lead a team for Lethal Lockdown. Team EC3 consists of EC3, Aron Rex, Moose and Gail Kim. Team Lashley consists Lashley, Drew Galloway, Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis.

* Laurel Vanness defeated Madison Rayne. Allie served as ring announcer for Laurel’s entrance and victory. Laurel talked down to Allie post match.

* Reby Hardy defeated Rosemary via DQ after Rosemary used red mist on Reby. Post match, Hardys and Decay brawl which ended with Rosemary giving Reby a side effect from the ring apron through a table.

* During Lethal Lockdown, Maria makes her entrance but waits outside the cage until Gail Kim comes out and chases Maria into the cage. Team Lashley defeated Team EC3 after EC3 passes out from a choke hold from Lashley.

One Night Only:

* Jade defeated Sienna and Marti Bell in a triple threat match.


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