Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Victoria’s First TNA Photoshoot & Impact Reminder


TNA has released Victoria‘s first TNA photoshoot, with her pet tarantula who she has entitled ‘Poison’. Check them out below.

While Victoria looks no different than usual [i.e. her old photoshoots], it’s come to my realisation that the way TNA photographs probably isn’t the most flattering way. There seems to be a lot of harsh lighting and heavy makeup and that’s not the Victoria we know and love!

On the plus side, Lisa’s looking leaner and meaner than ever before — possibly due to her MMA training.

[nggallery id=316]

PS: Don’t forget to tune into Impact tonight at 9pm on SpikeTV for a major moment in the Knockouts history and for Victoria too. And then check back here at Diva Dirt to discuss!

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