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WWE Main Event Redux (August 5th, 2014): White Knight or Evil Witch?

What’s up Diva fans and welcome to this week’s Main Event Redux! What with a dearth of Main Event and Superstars matches and the fact that I’ve been moving house, it feels like forever since I managed to speak with you guys and recap some action. Thankfully, Main Event was finally fruitful and gave us some seriously juicy content this week.

WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee is back and not-so-fresh from her whiplash incident involving Paige on last week’s SmackDown (which was absolutely amazing btw). AJ will be facing off against Summer Rae, one half of the Slayers who have definitely been slaying… but not in a good way. Slay me in a good way today Summer, I beg you!


Out first this week is Summer Rae… without her BFF Layla. Can’t say I’m too bothered considering WWE has been wasting them as of late but still, not a positive sign for continuity! Although WWE haven’t got the best track record when it comes to that, do they?! Maybe Layla still has her mitts all over her date, El Torito. Seriously WWE, bestiality is not PG.

The Champ is here.. and no I’m not talking about the irrelevant one that is taking a main event backseat for Brie Bella and Stephanie McMahon *cough*John Cena*cough*. Side note: Props to Eden for trying to sound interested in the announcing yet she was trying WAAAAAAY too hard here. Normally, it’s not enough yet this time it was too much. I really like her in the backstage announcer role yet with time, I’m sure she’ll get the knack for this role too.

After a recap, the match starts and Summer gets the best of AJ by kneeing her in the stomach. Summer whips AJ, who resourcefully executes a wheelbarrow roll-up for a two. AJ then hits a sloppy spinning thrust kick before decking Summer with back-to-back neckbreakers. After a near fall, AJ dropkicks Summer yet she is seen favouring her neck. The whiplash injury is clearly not something AJ can just shrug off.

She can’t shrug off Summer either, who beats on her like she was a dusty cushion. AJ gets her head rammed into the top rope before the Total Diva chokes out her butterfly-clad foe. A pin attempt ensues before Summer continues to work on the neck like the savvy woman she is by applying a Cobra Clutch. After getting to her feet, AJ fights her way out of the submission, ducks a clothesline and as quick as that, she’s got the Black Widow locked in and Jobber Rae Summer Rae taps out.

After the match, Tom Phillips conducts an in-ring interview with AJ, who tells us a little fairytale. She reminisces about being an adorable little girl who became a Queen when she won the Divas Champion. She coincidentally omits the fact she nearly married the leader of the Billy Goats Gruff whilst also shacking up with the demon troll who lives under the bridge the Goats were trying to cross. Oh yeah, she also fails to mention she got frisky with Prince Charming in a hotel room. I’ll just act like how WWE wants me to and forget about all that ever happened. Carry on with your story AJ!

AJ says that she had her throne taken from her by an Evil Witch yet instead of waiting for a miracle to happen, she became her own White Knight and took back what was rightfully hers. My future wife, the apparent Evil Witch (wash your mouth out AJ!), Paige then makes her presence felt. She says she’s so glad that AJ is back on her feet and that even though she’s going to take back the WWE Divas Championship come SummerSlam, she hopes they’ll still be besties after then because well, she loves her! AJ says that although this is Paige’s house, WWE is AJ’s kingdom.

Thoughts: A bit of a mixed bag for me this week. I’ll first discuss the match, which I honestly wasn’t too impressed with. It featured two women who have bags of charisma yet who have both regressed in the ring in my opinion. AJ’s neckbreakers looks awkward as she was doing them to a woman way taller than her and I’m really not a fan of AJ just hitting the Black Widow out of nowhere ALL the time. I like it once in a while as it shows she is unpredictable and ruthless and can strike at any second yet her matches have been way to short recently and the endings have been way too quick.

The mic work after the match though was excellent. I loved the fairytale analogy and I really enjoyed AJ explaining how she’s grown and her failing to explain that she herself was an evil witch not too long ago! Paige’s mind games were fun yet again and I’m loving her sarcastic side. This feud is really good for me and I just hope that unlike at Battleground, the Divas can impress me in their match and it doesn’t fall flat and not live up to the expectations that the excellent mic work has provided. These girls are gold when it comes to talking so I just hope they can pull off more than a bronze performance come SummerSlam.

And with that, stay tuned, Jack will be back!

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