Thursday, July 25, 2024

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WWE Main Event Redux (March 25th, 2014): A Mania Teaser with Ten Diva Tag Team Turmoil

What’s up Diva fans and welcome to this week’s Main Event Redux. 10 of the 14 Divas taking part in WrestleMania’s “Vickie Guerrero Invitational” are in tag team action tonight as Cameron, Emma, Eva Marie, Naomi and Natalya face off against Aksana, Alicia Fox, Layla, Summer Rae and Tamina Snuka. AJ Lee is out on commentary so that’s 11 Divas getting some screen time. SPOILER ALERT: The Bella Twins will be appearing on Smackdown as will AJ and Tamina, so that leaves poor Rosa Mendes with no additional screen time other than Raw. Womp Womp. WWE are allowing Tamina to pull double duty over placing Rosa in match. Stop holding the ‘Freakin’ Costa Rican’ back WWE! She’s clearly the next WWE Divas Champion….

Let’s get on with things before I trip over all this tumbleweed…


Out first is WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee, who is joining Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips on commentary. The face girls are out first and it’s pretty obvious Tony Chimel nearly forgot Emma’s name! The heels come out next to Summer Rae’s theme song and it’s quite strange/sad that someone with only one pinfall victory on the main roster is considered the main attraction of the team. That’s what being on Total Divas gets you!

Layla and Natalya start with the match and Layla slaps Nattie’s behind before getting knocked on hers thanks to a clothesline. Natalya hits another and goes for a third, yet Layla’s cowers like a tortoise going into it’s shell. Except she has no shell so is susceptible to a slap on the arse from Natalya! Natalya then hits a suplex before tagging in Emma.

Emma gets a nice reaction as she dances like only she can. Layla responds with some pretty cool robot dancing only for Emma to shut the robot down with a pin attempt. Layla fights back with a kick yet she makes the rookie mistake of whipping Emma into the corner. 9 times out of 10 has happened again as Emma hits the Dilemma. Emma then kicks Layla in the back, sending her towards her corner to tag in Alicia Fox. Alicia flies in yet gets a drop-toe hold for her troubles, which leads to Emma tagging in Eva Marie.

Eva rolls Alicia up for a schoolgirl and a certain object from her female hygiene collection makes it’s appearance – oh dear! I suppose it’s less embarrassing than a nipple slip? Eva carries on regardless of the weirdest of wardrobe malfunctions and hits Foxy with a headlock takeover. Alicia powers out of the move, picking Eva up and dumping her in the heel corner. After getting winded with some strikes from Alicia, Eva fights back with shots of her own yet all the heels Divas charge the ring on stomp Eva senseless.

After order is restored, Alicia hits Eva with the Northern Lights Suplex, and it looks pretty slow as I think Alicia had to just lift Eva as opposed to Eva helping out and jumping a little herself. After this, Summer gets tagged into the match, making her fluorescent presence felt. She chokes Eva out on the ropes before Aksana tries to kick Eva yet either she decides against it at the last minute or Eva is too far away. Regardless of what happened, I found it randomly hilarious!

Another thing I found hilarious was Eva, who after she broke out Alicia’s chinlock, crawled to the wrong corner of the ring to make a tag – that girl is an unintentional comedienne! Eva eventually makes it to the right corner and tags in Naomi!

After a dodgy looking hurricanrana, Naomi keeps the momentum up well with a kick to Tamina’s face from the apron. She then reverses a Samoan drop attempt from the Pacific Islander before nailing her with a forearm in the corner followed by a lovely crossbody. Foxsana break up the ensuing pin attempt, which leads to multi-Diva carnage! Emma and Eva are left standing, with Emma trying to get Eva to dance with her. Eva can’t wrestle or sell yet Emma, don’t try and confuse things further!

Tamina has had enough of the dancing as she only cares about brutalizing! She clotheslines Eva and Emma out of the ring before walking into some brutal shots of Naomi’s own. Although Naomi ducks a clothesline, she doesn’t duck Tamina’s massive Superkick, which is enough for Tamina to get the three count. I assume Naomi’s eyepatch is now lodged permanently into her face.

After the match AJ raises Tamina’s hand, and Tamina stares back at AJ like she just defecated on her front lawn. As crazy as ever, AJ ignored this and hugs Tamina before skipping out of the arena alone.

Thoughts: This was not a mat classic yet I enjoyed it as it was different. Eva Marie performed the best I’ve seen her perform and her selling and timing seemed tons better. Practice makes passable perfect!

The most intriguing element of this match for me however was Tamina. Whilst I want Nikki Bella or Naomi to walk out as champion, I wouldn’t mind seeing WWE pull the plug on Tamina and give her a run with the strap. Tamina isn’t getting any younger and her in-ring work has been as good as it’s ever been the last few months. With her appearance in The Rock‘s Hercules film coming up soon, why not turn her Face, get The Rock to record a pre-recorded promo to air on the titantron bigging her up and give her a face run wth the title? It would be fresh, unique and WWE may as well capitalise on Tamina for as long as they have her around!

And with that, stay tuned, Jack will be back!

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