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NXT Watch (September 20th, 2011): Broken Hearts and Broken Plungers

Another Tuesday…Another thrilling edition of what has become my favorite WWE program currently airing, NXT! This week, we had match numero tres in the Maxine/AJ series, as well as TWO backstage segments. That’s right, not one, but two! Can Maxine continue to assert her dominance as the top Diva in the entire company, (Yeah I said it, what you gotta say about that El Glamazon and K2?) or can our plucky, plaid geek goddess, AJ, finally get a measure of revenge in singles competition? Let’s find out!

The sound of a Saturday morning cartoon hits, as AJ (accompanied by green plaid this week) makes her way to the ring. We are shown a recap of last week’s events between the two ladies, but let’s be frank, you’re all probably singing along to AJ’s theme as it plays in the background anyways. From there, we head from the cartoons to the club, as the upbeat theme of the only diva who can strike fear in someone with a simple stare, Maxine, enters the frey.

As the bell sounds, the two circle around the ring and proceed to lock up. Maxine shoves AJ off and sends her flying into the ropes. AJ, showing her growth of knowledge from the previous two encounters, manages to kick Maxine in the jaw and run forward with a nice front dropkick. Once the two ladies get to their feet, it’s AJ who takes control with a shot to the face before Maxine eventually gains the upper hand and tosses the pocket rocket into the turnbuckle.

Maxine drags AJ to the center of the ring by the hair and channels her inner Katie Lea by snapping AJ’s back over the knee. (As if you weren’t already my favorite.) Maxine applies a chin lock that also digs AJ’s back into her knee, before turning it into a choke. AJ gets to a vertical base, before being tossed back down for a two count. Maxine grabs AJ’s legs and applies a beautiful Boston crab submission that also includes Maxine putting her boot over AJ’s head.

Maxine takes control by viciously slamming AJ’s head into the canvas. She goes back for the Boston Crab, but AJ rolls through with a sick near pinfall. Once both get to their feet, Maxine drills AJ skull first with a boot to the face for a close call. Maxine begins to bend AJ’s arms back in another submission hold, as the crowd starts to get behind their lovable nerdette. As AJ remains in the rest hold, Maxine begins beating her in the chest with brutal forearms. AJ then crawls over to the rope, but Maxine is quick on the attack.

From there, Maxine locks AJ in between the ropes and snaps her from the back of the head. In what I believe is an effort to lay down a challenge for Kelly Kelly‘s Divas Title, Maxine begins screaming “COME ON AJ, COME ON” as she chokes her foe on the bottom rope. Maxine drags AJ to the center of the ring, but AJ kicks her off. She then locks in a choke hold, as the crowd continues to get behind their favorite. Maxine sends AJ into the turnbuckle, but AJ manages to dodge out of harms way and Maxine COLLIDES shoulder first into the steel pole.

AJ now begins to take control with a clothesline to the corner, followed by a running front dropkick. Maxine reverses an Irish Whip attempt and instead sends AJ flying, but AJ slides under the legs and drills Maxine with a roundhouse spin kick for a two count. Maxine shoves AJ off into the ropes and chops her in the chest, before setting up for the “Maximum Destruction” as seen last week. AJ blocks it however, and kicks Maxine down to her knees. From there, she runs off with an impactful shining wizard for the victory! AJ FINALLY GETS HER REVENGE!

We then head to the back, where Maxine approaches a love stricken, Hornswoggle. She snatches his homeade card to AJ before slamming it into his chest. She talks about how she’s surprised that he left AJ here last week all alone, because Titus kept her company. Maxine inserts that Titus woke up extra early to see how AJ really likes her eggs! Hornswoggle runs off, nearly in tears, as she keeps walking and approaches the team of Derrick Bateman and Tyson Kidd.

She smacks Derrick in the chest and questions why he wasn’t accompanying her to ringside during her match just now. Tyson manages to head out of the equation, as the two continue to bicker back and forth. Derrick proclaims that Kidd was teaching him secrets about the Hart Dungeon, to which Maxine rebuttals, asking what are they going to do? Go to Home Depot and get matching plungers since he ruined hers?!

Maxine tells him to get the big picture, and lifts his head from staring at her chest. She instructs him to look to her at eye level, because they are so close to separating AJ and Hornswoggle. She asserts how important this all is, before slamming him up against the wall and engaging in another patented Daxine Makeout session to close the segment.

Later on, we spot one half of the Chickbusters, AJ, scouring the hallway as she looks for her man, Hornswoggle. She does not run into the leprechaun though, for who does she spot sitting on a crate eating grapes? TRENT FLIPPIN’ BARRETTA, THAT’S WHO. One half of the former Dudebusters high fives the plaid Diva, and congratulates her on a good fight. AJ asks him if he’s seen Horny anywhere, and after much deliberation, Trent finally spouts out that he has not.

Titus O’Neil then runs up to AJ and proclaims how he thoroughly enjoyed watching her whoopin’ down on Maxine. She says how it would’ve been better if Hornswoggle was there, as Titus exclaims he saw him earlier and that the two need to patch things up. Titus says Maxine is full of games, and that he’s going to get ready for his match as she goes to find Hornswoggle. The two then engage in a hug together…just as Hornswoggle waddles up from behind. AJ goes to hug Horny, but he runs off, leaving our perky little princess in a distraught mess of sorrow.

Thoughts: NXT brings me my wrestling joy throughout the week. It features all the talent I love watching, but unlike Superstars, provides storylines as well as the in ring competition. Personally, this was my favorite of the Maxine/AJ series, and I loved Maxine’s Boston Crab type maneuver in particular. She has dramatically stepped up her game in the ring, and I think her matches lately are great to watch. I would like some variety though, perhaps bring over Aksana and Kaitlyn, or heck, debut Naomi while you’re at it. Overall though, AJ and Maxine continue to put on really entertaining bouts (that actually get more than a minute!)

The segments were hilarious, especially Maxine’s interaction with Derrick. I’m enjoying the storyline between them, but I called it since she came back, I see her ditching Bateman and joining forces with Tyson Kidd before it’s all said & done. I think that the plan is going to be how (if they ever do eliminations again) Derrick will eventually be cut, and Maxine will move on to someone who she feels she could take to the top, in Tyson Kidd. And from there, wrestling’s power couple will be formed.

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