Thursday, July 25, 2024

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WWE Superstars Redux (January 23rd, 2015): Naomi and Cameron Drag Up the Past

So yesterday I bought 2K15 on Xbox, and I have to say I’m very disappointed. Obviously I chose to play as the queen Nikki Bella (and computer-played Naomi beat me fair and square, unsurprisingly). My main gripe with the game is the graphics. They left a lot to be desired. But that’s not what we’re here to talk about!

Naomi and Cameron clashed on Superstars last night in what I’m sure was a bout filled with plenty of action and zero concern for one another.

The Divas are tonight’s opening match! Naomi is out first, sporting some new ring attire! She looks awesome with the cut out over her stomach. Renee Young is once again absent from commentary, and I really hope it’s not permanent because a). I adore Renee and b). WWE commentary is such a sausage fest already.

Cameron follows her former tag partner to the ring, sure to check out her appearance. Naomi’s got no time for that however, and as Cameron bends over to put her mirror down, Naomi kicks her right in the rear end. Cameron bounces face first off the ropes and starts screaming at Naomi! Her hot head gets the better of her and she runs right into two dropkicks and a back elbow from Naomi. Cameron quickly rolls out of the ring to regroup.

She grabs her mirror to check her face as we’re shown a replay of the spill into the ropes Cameron took earlier. It actually is the kind of thing that could muck your face up, so I don’t blame her for being concerned! Naomi isn’t feeling it, however, and hits another drop kick through the ropes. Yet another drop kick later and Cameron has had enough. She grabs her mirror, proclaiming that she is ‘done with this’ and heads off towards the ramp. Naomi is in hot pursuit, taunting her former partner, and Cameron turns around, connecting with a wicked-sounding clothesline.

Cameron throws Naomi back into the ring, hitting a split kick and trying for a pin early. She manages a two count but Naomi’s not quite finished yet. Cameron keeps the pressure on her former BFF, before sending her face first into the mat from the corner. Cameron with another pin attempt but Naomi kicks out once more.

Cameron chokes Naomi out on the ropes and stalks her into the corner, throwing her back down to the floor. She has her locked in a hold, but Naomi shows signs of life. She reaches up and manages to catch Cameron’s head with the brunt of her kick. Naomi’s on her feet once again and hits a Thesz press, but Cameron with a second big clothesline to knock her down.

Naomi fights out of Cameron’s hold and shows signs of life, catching Cameron on the side of the head with a kick from atop the turnbuckle. Naomi’s fired up now, hitting two clotheslines in a row and then lining up Cameron for the rear view. She hits it picture perfectly and after one, two, three Naomi is the winner!

Naomi saunters up to the corner to celebrate, before dancing her way home.

Thoughts: A strong showing for both women, I think. Naomi proving once again that she can get the job done and should be in the title picture, and Cameron reaffirming that she has what it takes to be a full-fledged heel diva. Her attitude carries her very far through her matches, and that’s not to say she can’t back it up with the physical stuff. She’s come on leaps and bounds and I really think the sky is the limit for her. As for Naomi, I was hoping last year would see her earn the butterfly belt. Let’s hope 2015 is her time to shine.

Whatever happened to her storyline with The Miz? I was really enjoying that…

Until next time, ciao! x

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