Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Your Two Cents: A Big Break for an Indy Wrestler

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Name one indy talent who deserves a big break with WWE or TNA. We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • Ashley Matthew: Madison Eagles. If WWE ever gave her a chance and signed her, it would be cool to see her either tag or feud with Emma. [Watch her matches]
  • Brandon Bray: If it has to be one, definitely Athena. She’s the total package of looks, talent, and charisma, and is someone who cleans away mediocrity as she steals the show in every match she is in. [Watch her matches]
  • @Brysynner: Kacee Carlisle should be in NXT yesterday. [Watch her matches]
  • @crowroadaw: just one? Then it has to be Portia frickin’ Perez. Portia has all the tools. [Watch her matches]
  • @DeAndreP25: I would love to see MsChif on TV someday. Maybe in NXT for a few matches if not signed. [Watch her matches]
  • Francisco Mata: Shanna! Have you seen the girl? She is amazingly gorgeous, extremely talented and has experience under her belt. She even competed against one of the best in the world, Gail Kim and put on a wrestling showdown against Emi Sakura in a match that was described as one of the best women’s wrestling matches. And to add to that, she is Portuguese, WWE has never had a Portuguese wrestler before so it’s always a win-win situation. Plus WWE is in real need of Perfection, right? [Watch her matches]
  • J Cameron Burke: Is Leva Bates signed yet? Blue Pants has so much personality that she is tailor made for the WWE. [Watch her matches]
  • Keenan Manassee: Would love to see Cheerleader Melissa in WWE because her talent and style would work well with most of the current Divas. [Watch her matches]
  • Kevin Heilbronner: Renee Michelle, from Maryland Championship Wrestling. She is getting bookings all over the country and has been one of the Rosebuds on Raw several times. [Watch her matches]
  • Khris Colon: Barbi Hayden. I can see her more in TNA than WWE. [Watch her matches]
  • @HugoNicolasYann: Ivelisse. She’s one of the best in-ring workers and she’s fearless. [Watch her matches]
  • Lee-jay Robinson: Veda Scott. Her character is believable, her in ring abilities are incredible and her mic skills are supremely excellent. And on top that, she’s tough and intelligent. [Watch her matches]
  • Memo Soto: I would say Sara Del Rey as a WWE Diva not a trainer. [Watch her matches]
  • Nikolas Dombklowski: All the women I would recommend have been signed by one of the companies some both and the companies dropped the ball with them big time (Santana Garrett, Jessicka Havok, Ivelisse). If I was going to choose someone though I think Jessica James would be a great addition to either company. She has a very unique style both in the ring and appearance. I have only seen her wrestle once but she did not disappoint. [Watch her matches]
  • @PocketVolcano: without a doubt LuFisto – she’s such a great role model for kids! [Watch her matches]
  • Shamar Perkins: Candice LeRae – she has quickly made a name for herself on the indies scene and she is a daredevil who backs down from no one (man or woman). [Watch her matches]
  • @TuesNightTyfo: Allysin Kay. She looks like a star, acts like a star and is soooo incredibly talented. Give her a shot and she’ll be money. No doubt. [Watch her matches]
  • @WWEIceMan96: WWE needs to get on Tessa Blanchard. She’s already doing great. I feel she’d do wonders in NXT. [Watch her matches]

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! Which indy talent deserves her big break?

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