Sunday, February 16, 2025

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Your Two Cents: Booking WrestleMania 31

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: We’re just 52 days away from #WrestleMania 31. At this point, what Divas match would you book for the show? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • Alejandro Jimenez: I’d say maybe Brie vs. Nikki Bella for the Divas Title. Brie turns on Nikki and says that she’s been faking all this time just to get earn her trust and stuff like that.
  • @DynasticAnthony: Had Charlotte been a main roster girl, I would’ve had her vs. Paige (c) vs. Natalya vs. Nikki for the belt.
  • @HugoNicolasYann: Like last year, a Vickie Guerrero Invitational Match. I can see Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks for the NXT Women’s Title.
  • Joshua Hettinger: I’d like to see Paige vs Natalya for the diva’s title, given that Paige beats Nikki at Fast Lane. Paige and Nattie could be the start of the Divas Title matches at WM being taken seriously again. I’m sorry, but the whole Bella vs. Bella at WM sounds like a snooze fest.
  • Matthew Brown: I’d book a Fatal Four-Way match between Paige, Natalya, Brie and Nikki with Paige coming out as the winner. I’d love to see an altercation between AJ Lee and Stephanie McMahon again as everyone is waiting for another altercation to happen between them again. Steph could make it very personal and hit AJ below to belt by taking digs at CM Punk which would end up with them both being involved in a massive cat fight! Everyone would buzz seeing that happen as many people have wanted them to come blows for a while now!
  • Mauricio Cordova: The NXT Women’s Championship must be defended by Charlotte at WM!
  • @MeganManStealer: Nikki vs. Brie vs. AJ vs. Paige vs. Natalya vs. Alicia Fox Six-Pack Challenge, since each Diva has been a focus in the division this year.
  • Neil Charles: Paige vs. Natalya in a Street Fight.
  • Randi Parker: With the story lines I can see two things, WWE giving us Brie vs. Nikki or Brie vs. Nikki vs. Nattie vs. Paige. I think they could do this. Have Brie cost Nikki the title at Fast Lane, setting them up for a singles match and then have Paige feud with either main roster Diva like Naomi or bring Charlotte up. They can bring up the fact Charlotte won the championship only because JBL stripped Paige of it.
  • Raphael Lamounier: I wouldn’t be surprised if we have Paige vs Charlotte! I never forget the stare down between them in the NXT. Imagine how awesome it would be Paige as Divas Champion face to face with Charlotte and Ric Flair at ringside! It would be a great match and a perfectly moment to show the whole WWE Universe the future of the Divas division!
  • Steven Fillmore: AJ Lee vs. Stephanie McMahon! The promos would be amazing! Also, I think a Fatal Four-Way match between Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, Paige and Natalya for the Divas Championship would be great!
  • @tinher11: Natalya vs. Charlotte! I don’t know how would it fit into storyline, but it would be the perfect stage to have a rubber match!

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! What would you book for WrestleMania 31?

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