Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Your Two Cents: Divas on Reality Television

“Your Two Cents” is our interactive feature where we gauge the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers on different discussions in women’s wrestling.

This week, we’re asking this: Eve Torres has been dominating on Stars Earn Stripes, but we want to know: do you want to see more Divas on reality TV, or is the time away from the ring a waste? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

Our Two Cents

Batting for Team DD this week, it’s Steven giving us his personal opinion on this week’s topic:

Steven: Personally, I’d love to see more Divas participate on reality shows. While it does mean time away from the ring, it exposes the Divas to a non-wrestling audience, which can only be a good thing. I think its a perfect solution to keep Divas who are not in a storyline at the moment, fresh in the fans’ minds.

Your Two Cents

Adam Testa | Did Eve miss that much time to film the series? I don’t remember any lengthy absences. And it seems WWE can only use 3 or 4 Divas at a time, so why not have the others off doing these ventures?
Emmah Beardsley | I personally enjoyed watching Eve on SES and think they valued her on their show more than WWE values any of their Divas on any of their shows.
Eric Holt | I don’t think it’d hurt to see more divas on reality TV. I think it’s a great way for us Diva fans to see the Divas try something new and different. The divas would be showing us a different, yet unique side to their personalities, and it’s smart for business because WWE would be marketing their Divas so that fans could become interested in them. So in my eyes, I see nothing but positivity coming from it.
Josue Guzman | Typically I don’t enjoy seeing any WWE Diva or Superstar doing any reality TV for the same reason I don’t like celebrity appearances on WWE: the two just don’t mix well together.

Ever noticed how Divas such as Trish Stratus, Angela Fong, Maria Kanellis and Torrie Wilson all made their reality television debuts AFTER their time with WWE? I believe the reason behind that is because these reality shows not only does it take away time from the ring, but it also may interfere with future WWE projects, breaks characters when we are supposed to be following story lines and sends this message that the division isn’t good enough to hold down their own audience. Stacy Keibler was lucky to do Dancing with Stars while still under contract but look at what happened after that. Eve Torres is getting a push but hopes that it doesn’t stop after Star Earn Stripes comes to an end.

With these celebrities appearances, we have gone the past two WrestleManias, WWE’s biggest event, without any relevant Diva matches, because of the appearances of both Snooki and Maria Menounos. We ALL knew they would win their matches or else they would most likely not have shown up at all! Do the creative team for the Divas doubt them so much that they need to get an outsider to spark some interest?

Leron Mason | Reality TV is a waste period.
Martha Francely Munguia | I don’t mind seeing Divas on reality TV. I think it helps the Divas branch out & people to know their face outside of wrestling.
Mary-Helen Clark | If done right, it can enhance the Diva’s star power. While Stars Earn Stripes hasn’t done a whole lot for Eve, I could see a twirl on the DWTS ballroom doing a lot for a Diva (provided she didn’t pull a Stacy Keibler). I think the Diva themselves need to take that enhanced star power and run with it. Eve is dominating Stars Earn Stripes, she should have used that to leverage herself into a title run. Politics are a part of wrestling and these girls need to start working it to their advantage!

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? Do you like seeing Divas on reality TV? Tell us in the comments…

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