Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Your Two Cents: Favorite Duos

“Your Two Cents” is our interactive feature where we gauge the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers on different discussions in women’s wrestling.

This week, we’re asking this: The Beautiful People are living on beyond TNA, so we want to know: who is your favorite duo in women’s wrestling history? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

Our Two Cents

Batting for Team DD this week, it’s Katelyn giving us her personal opinion on this week’s topic:

Katelyn: My pick would have to go to Trish Stratus and Lita. Although never really an ‘official’ tag team, their chemistry together (and apart) is undeniable. And who didn’t absolutely adore them when they were pitted girls against boys with Chris Jericho and Christian in 2003?

Your Two Cents

Ahl Anthony Aggari | WWE: Brie & Nikki Bella because they work awesome as tag team partners. I also love how they argue with each other. They are the first female twins in WWE. TNA: Amazing Kong and Raisha Saeed. They’re so powerful together. Their gimmick was also interesting.
Dave Muscarella | Sara Del Rey & Courtney Rush. They weren’t together long but for the short time they were, it was MAGIC. Seriously, that team was amazing.
Eric Holt | Although they were enemies for the most part, when Trish Stratus and Lita were working together as a team, they were dominant. You take two of the best divas in history and make them into a team, you get a team that had great chemistry.

Trish and Lita worked well together as a team when they feuded with other teams. I’ll never forget when they feuded with Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson during the WCW/ECW invasion in WWE. Torrie and Stacy may not have been classicly trained wrestlers, but Trish and Lita were still able to put on great matches between the two as a team and in singles competition. My favorite feud they were a part of was when they squared off against Gail Kim and Molly Holly. Lita had just returned from her neck injury to help Trish fight off Molly and Gail. Their match at Unforgiven 2003? Epic! And I absolutely won’t ever forget their battle of the sexes feud with Christian and Chris Jericho. For them to be in a feud and wrestle against two men really shows how great of a team Trish and Lita were.

Francisco Mata | Taylor Wilde and Sarita! Everytime they would come out i would literally jump of happiness, plus they had this high flying style which i absolutely love, not to talk about they were arguably the best knockouts tag team champions.
Jonathan Carmona | LayCool (Layla & Michelle McCool). The entire WWE women’s division was built around them for more than two years. They got lots of mic time, and feuded with just about every diva. Had a Smackdown Main event and WM matches. Ohhh, let’s not forget about NXT and their co-Champion days.
Josue Guzman | Cheerleader Melissa and MsChif. While I loved their feud as single competitors, I found the allegiance between these former rivals to be just as entertaining. Their gimmicks were totally different from one another, there was a lot of bad blood between the two but despite this both women worked well together and put on some of my favorite tag matches on Shimmer. I do, however, wish that they would’ve at least had one tag team reign together!
@MeaganG1990 | Besides the Beautiful People, PMS with Jacqueline and Terri Runnels. Those two were awesome as a team.

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? Who is your favorite duo? Tell us in the comments…

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