Sunday, February 9, 2025

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Your Two Cents: Favorite Kaitlyn Moments

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: With Kaitlyn‘s sudden departure from the WWE, we want to know your favorite moments from her WWE career. We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • @adriangoony – The night in which AJ Lee was presented as Kaitlyn’s admirer. It was the beginning of greatness.
  • @AlexbyNature – When Kaitlyn and Kelly Kelly attacked Lay-Cool.
  • @AliciaCenaLove1 – We all will remember the surprising spears to AJ.
  • Ashley Matthew – My favorite Kaitlyn moment was when she dressed up like Vickie Guerrero on NXT Season 3. That was absolutely hilarious, especially seeing the reaction on Vickie’s face. Kaitlyn did a great job with that segment!
  • @BeautifulAJLee – Kaitlyn and AJ’s contract signing on SmackDown. Great segment and promo by both divas.
  • @blackcatluvswwe – Definitely their match at Payback, for me they sole the show.
  • @cenafan1998 – NXT days when AJ caught Kaitlyn making out with Dolph Ziggler, I was like oh no x)
  • @DivaChampLOTUS – Her feud with Eve Torres! She proved how powerful and determined she was to getting that Divas Championship and grew as a great WWE Diva.
  • @EMMAlutionx – Her amazing feud with AJ, what a memorable feud it was too! One of the all time best IMO!
  • Jorge Ruiz Garnier – All the good times with AJ as the Chickbusters. I was looking forward to see them together again.
  • Josue Guzman – Though it isn’t considered “official”, it was very intriguing when Kaitlyn turned on AJ on a SmackDown taping in order to join Beth Phoenix and Natalya as part of the Divas of Doom allegiance. It would’ve been a great heel run for Kaitlyn while being under the wings of these veteran women!
  • @JuanMRodz – Definitely her finally defeating Eve for the Divas Title in her hometown of Houston.
  • Mallory Lauve – When she dressed up like AJ.
  • Nikolas Dombkowski – I loved her on NXT Season 3. We really got to see her personality then, it was a shame they didn’t really let her show it on the main roster. I would also have to say her feud with Eve and AJ.
  • Randi Parker – Her winning the title in her hometown, not many people get that opportunity. One of the main reasons I bought the 20th Anniversary of RAW DVD was so I can see that match again! Kaitlyn will always be one of my favorites, she improved so much, she showed her personality and stayed true to herself, I am going to miss her so much!
  • Robert D Martinez – Definitely the AJ vs. Kaitlyn rivalry, gave all hope for the division and succeeded with getting a actual storyline, more in ring time, a reaction from the crowd. There chemistry gave a Lita/Trish Stratus vibe. Thanks for the memories Kaitlyn.
  • @sgsandersjr – Kaitlyn’s tweets!!! They were very funny.
  • @TNAHenerz – The best moment was when Kaitlyn smashed a giant cake all over Vickie Guerrero.

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! What was your favorite Kaitlyn moment?

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