Sunday, January 26, 2025

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Your Two Cents: Greatest Underdogs

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Who is the greatest underdog in women’s wrestling history? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • Ahl Anthony Aggari: Bayley hands down. She’s been putting great matches but can’t get the NXT Women’s Championship. She’ll be the greatest underdog once she becomes the Women’s Champion.
  • @BellasNattie4vr: Velvet Sky without a doubt.
  • Benjamin Deng: Maria Kanellis hands down. She is always put in these terrible situations like being forced to wrestle Umaga, and she’s so good at drawing the crowd’s sympathy. That makes her the best underdog.
  • @BorisGlisic: I have to say Candice Michelle. She was soo likeable and made us cheer for her every time.
  • @bvmbshell: Jillian Hall! Nobody expected her to get the Divas Title and she beat the odds!
  • Dave Muscarella: Heidi Lovelace. Yeah, she’s an indie worker. Check out her work and you’ll see what I mean. Punk rock ragdoll is a fitting nickname for her.
  • @_evamarieGUY: Kelly Kelly. She went from being 18 with no experience to being somewhat a popular underdog diva.
  • Jon Vega: Terri Runnels. She was never a full time wrestler, but when she was in the ring she held her own.
  • @pikatrick: Being an underdog is what propelled Trish Stratus to the top. Started from the bottom and worked her way to the top of the division.
  • Randi Parker: Candice Michelle had the best underdog story. A model who no one thought was going to be anything but a pretty face, trains like crazy and becomes a wrestler that had great matches with the likes of Melina and Beth Phoenix. She really proved everyone wrong.
  • @TbdBigDog: The greatest underdog? Taeler Hendrix. She has more than proven the “old crone” wrong!
  • @THEWWEGUY4LIFE: Brooke Tessmacher, because nobody thought she would ever be Knockouts Champion and she did, so she gets my vote.
  • @TuesNightTyfo: For sure, Thea Trinidad! She’s the underdog with the ability and desire to overcome ANYTHING! She already has & continues too.
  • @WildForTNA: Candice Michelle for sure! You HAD to root for her during her feud with Beth Phoenix!

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! Who is women’s wrestling’s greatest underdog?

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