Sunday, February 9, 2025

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Your Two Cents: What Should Happen if AJ Lee is Sidelined?

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: If AJ Lee is officially sidelined, what direction should the Divas division take? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

* Adrian Rodriquez: I think vacating the title would be a wise choice. This would allow for another girl to be built towards the title in a tournament of some sort. AJ could return crazier than before due to this. By the looks of SmackDown the WWE really doesn’t know what to do without AJ.

* Ashley Matthew: Bring some NXT girls to the main roster to make a statement to the current main roster girls that they are the future of the division and deserve their chance to shine on the main roster. Then schedule some matches between the NXT Divas and current main roster Divas to build up a feud between them.

* @Danilo_NNavarro: If WWE strips AJ they have to bring some NXT Divas such as Emma and Paige and make an 8 Divas tournament.

* Gerard Verterano: If they strip AJ of the title, I’ll be extremely pissed. Dolph Ziggler was out for 60 days (who I’m not a fan of at all) and they let him keep the World Title.

* @IAmFozzitude: I say bring up a few of the NXT Divas and shake things up a little bit.

* Jerry Nettle: Tamina vs. Natalya for the title. That would be a great match.

* Jon Vega: They had a good thing going on with the anti-Total Divas storyline. I say make a tournament with a surprise last entry being Paige and she can carry on the anti-Diva gimmick on the main roster.

* @JulesEllington5: WWE should speed up the Nikki Bella turning on Brie process then have AJ return and make a Triple Threat match between them for the title.

* @Kristen_Henners: Have a big tournament to be number one contender for when she returns.

* @LivingByCena: If she gets stripped there won’t be any other direction than down.

* Megan Travis: Tamina targets the Bella twins on the orders of AJ, who blames Brie for her concussion. Tamina destroys Nikki and gets disqualified when fighting Brie, leading to a match between the two at HIAC. In the meanwhile, a side feud develops when Layla and Alicia Fox decide they’re sick of being overshadowed and take on the roles of entitled veterans. They start feuding with Naomi and Cameron, who get betrayed by Natalya who is tired of playing mother and mentor to the younger Divas.

* @NotSoUpForHeart: AJ (if she is injured) could make an angle out of that and have Tamina defend the title for her.

* @oneweaklink: Have some NXT Divas invade against the Total Divas, with AJ leading the charge (even if she can’t wrestle, she can be the spokesperson).

* Samuel C. Garner: Start a huge war between the girls until AJ gets back, and during that time, determine a new No. 1 contender. If AJ is out for more than a month, as much as I hate to say it, vacate the title. It wouldn’t be the end of the world because AJ would have ammunition against the other girls when she came back. She’s the top diva with or without the title.

* Steven Fillmore: I like the idea of a tournament and the top 2 contenders competing at Hell in a Cell. A nice twist would be for Stephanie McMahon to come out and announce an addition to the match. The addition to the match would be none other than Paige.

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? What should the WWE do if AJ is sidelined?

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