Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Your Two Cents: Who Should Induct Lita into the WWE Hall of Fame?

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Lita is entering the WWE Hall of Fame, so who should induct her? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • Adrian Flores Kanellis: It can be Stephanie McMahon, remember that she competed in the attitude era and she is on the eye of the universe lately, so she can use it as well.
  • @AjaKitty: Likely to be Trish Stratus or Edge, I’d think. Although I think it would be a really sweet gesture to let AJ Lee have the honor!
  • Albie Gayagoy: AJ Lee. The reason why AJ Lee even fell in love with wrestling is because of Lita. It would be AJ’s dream coming true if she did and would be a great success story to share.
  • Ashley Matthew: Trish Stratus. They are best friends and Lita had more experience working with her than any other Diva.
  • Dustin ZombieLovin Deaton: I think it’s gonna be someone who we least expect to do it. I’d like to see Lisa Marie aka Victoria, Trish, Molly Holly, Ivory, Chyna, one of the Hardy Boyz or Edge. Those are the best suited for her.
  • Heather Johnson: It would be nice to see Stone Cold induct her. Toughest SOB inducting another tough SOB. Also, in her book she trusted Steve’s judgement on her neck and also seeked his advice. Who knows though.
  • Johnathan Brocklebank: Molly Holly, because they had some good matches and were involved on great things. Molly plz.
  • Jordan Boyer: Most likely Trish, but if not, AJ would be the next best choice. AJ has been very vocal about Lita being her idol and it would make for a great moment to see a “fan” induct her idol.
  • @JoseGonzIII: Trish should. They had the greatest Diva feud of all time and are best friends outside of the biz. Its the most appropriate choice.
  • Megan Walsh: I don’t think it’ll be Edge as they didn’t show her Rated R personality in her video package. I think it’ll be Trish.
  • Randi Parker: Everyone one was sure Lita was gonna induct Trish, and Trish ended up going for Stephanie, I think Lita will go with someone else, as for who not sure, I just don’t think either one of them wants to out shine each other at their induction!
  • Stephanie Câmara: I would say Trish Stratus. But maybe a woman from the Attitude Era will induct her into the Hall of Fame.
  • @stephgoot: Essa Rios!
  • @wendygkennedy: That’s a good question, it’ll be wild if either Jeff or Matt Hardy inducts Lita into the WWE Hall of Fame.

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! Who should induct Lita into the Hall of Fame?

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