Tuesday, September 10, 2024

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Your Two Cents: Worst Diva & Knockout Releases

“Your Two Cents” is the new interactive feature where we gauge the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers on different discussions in women’s wrestling.

This week, with the recent release of Maryse, we’re asking this: Which Diva or Knockout release bothered you the most? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

Our Two Cents

Batting for Team DD this week, it’s Erin giving us her personal opinion on this week’s topic:

Erin | My pick is a pretty personal one. I’ve followed Melina since well before she was hired by the WWE, so her release was something that gave me a unique perspective on the “lifespan” of a WWE Diva, from the tryouts (including her appearance on the third season of Tough Enough) to the stint in the development territory to the call to the main roster. I enjoyed watching every moment of that journey, and to see her time with the WWE end in such an abrupt way was surprising and disappointing. She accomplished a lot in her time with the WWE, and I wish she could have had a more satisfying departure befitting those accomplishments.

Your Two Cents

Ant Alford | The TNA Knockouts.. Boy, I’d be here all day saying how the wrong people have come and gone yet the dross still remain, but now isn’t the time… I will never understand why Hamada, Daffney, Alissa Flash, Roxxi are gone and why they ever let Awesome Kong go.
@FearlessRiOT. | In all honesty, I’d have to say that Melina‘s release this year bothered me the most if not only for the fact that we are now missing out on some fantastic rivalries in the Division now. Her feud with Natalya never really had a definitive ending and my dream feud of Melina vs. Eve – which could have easily replaced that Eve vs. Bella Twins feud – will never happen. It also made her heel turn at the top of the year seem useless. Such a wasted opportunity. I was really broken by Maryse’s release, too, because I loved her and she was my second favorite Diva this year behind Eve, but I feel WWE wasted Melina’s talents even worse this year. But I guess it isn’t all bad because WWE’s loss is now WSU’s gain.
@GregLucM | I would go with Melina, but I realistically have to go with Daffney. Her leaving TNA was (maybe still is) surrounded with a whole lot of issues that goes above and beyond stuff like creative mismanagement.
@HokieDragon | Mickie James‘s release. Just wrong on so many levels. The most popular. Most versatile. Most talented. Seemed to be the most willing to put up with the inane, stupid, bullshit storylines and actually make them appear credible. Haven’t seen any blatant negatives about her that can’t be ascribed to petty jealousy for the most part.
Jhonmarco Velazquez | WWE releasing Tiffany will always bother me the most. The girl had SO much potential & could have easily been champ in a year’s time. She had great agression & she wasn’t like the average “model”. She could have had a great character & made a great heel, as well as an awesome face. Huge letdown by WWE.
Josh Andrews | Gail Kim, mostly because how everything was handled, on both sides. The WWE shouldn’t of mis-used her, and should of let her out of her contract when she wanted. But in my opinion, it was dis-respectful to the business when she self-eliminated herself in the battle royal that would turn out to be her last match with WWE.
Nick Voodoo | Diva: Amy Dumas/Lita. I know she wasn’t released…but the fact that WWE ran her life into the ground and allowed the fans to hate her to the point where she couldn’t even walk her dog was deplorable. They more or less FORCED her to quit. Knockout: Shannon Spruill/Daffney. Read ‘The Sad Tale Of Shannon Spruill’ on CagesideSeats.com and tell me that you don’t want to burn Impact Wrestling HQ to the ground after reading it..
@Third_Eye84 | has to be Maria. She was improving so much and becoming a star, released for speaking her mind and having a side project.

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? Which Diva or Knockout release bothered you the most? Tell us in the comments…

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