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SmackDown Redux (April 18th, 2014): Paige Claims Another Victim

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s SmackDown Redux! Two weeks ago, NXT standout Paige made history when she toppled AJ Lee in an impromptu match and won the WWE Divas Championship. Looking to prove that her victory wasn’t a fluke, Paige takes on Aksana in non-title action. Can the Anti-Diva add another feather to her cap by taking out the Lithuanian beauty? Check out the match below:

Paige is out to the ring first to a decent pop from the crowd. Once she enters the ring, we’re treated to a video package introducing Paige and chronicling her title win. We even get a vignette from the #1 contender, Tamina Snuka.

After a commercial break, Aksana gets on the mic and says that all the Divas are jealous of Paige and her time as champion is running out. Before Paige can retort, Aksana is all over her, but the official breaks them apart and signals for the bell.

Aksana gets the jump on Paige once again, this time with a kick to the gut and a snap suplex. Aksana stays on her with a waistlock, but Paige back her into the corner and lets loose a few vicious elbows, followed by a flurry of knee strikes on the apron. Aksana rolls outside, looking to escape Paige’s offense, and nails the champion with a flying clothesline. With the advantage in hand, Aksana rolls her opponent back in the ring, and drills her with a spinebuster.

Instead of going for the pin, Aksana proceeds to smash Paige’s face into the canvas, and drops a few rubies  elbows for good measure, before going for the pin. Paige kicks out at one, much to the chagrin of everyone’s favorite Lithuanian. Aksana opts to wear out the champion with a submission, but Paige manages to fight her way out before being slammed back down to the mat.

With Paige out of sorts, Aksana taunts for a bit, before nailing her in the face with a stiff kick for another one count. Aksana whips Paige off the ropes, but both Divas have the same idea and they collide midair. Both Divas make it to a vertical base at the same time, and Aksana makes the mistake of slapping Paige across the face. Paige loses it, unleashing a flurry of offense, before locking in the Scorpion Crosslock to pick up the win.

Another excellent match from the new Divas Champion, in my opinion. I know when Paige was first signed, a lot of fans were worried that she would get watered down by WWE, but her matches against Alicia Fox and Aksana have been anything but.

This is most dynamic the Divas division has been in a long time, and the additions of NXT Divas like Paige, Emma and even Lana, have been embraced by the fans and it can only get better from here.

No offense to AJ, as she has done so much for the division in the past year, but after watching her run roughshod over the division, I’m so excited to see fresh matches for the championship. There are so many possibilities, and I can’t wait to see what unfolds.

We also got to see a bit of Emma and Layla when they were at ringside for Fandango and Santino Marella‘s match:

And, of course, Lana accompanied Alexander Rusev for his match against R-Truth:

Well, that’s it for this week, guys! Until next time!

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