Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Southern Belle Smack: 2016 WWE Hall of Fame Fashion Edition

[media-credit name=”Photo:” align=”aligncenter” width=”620″]sbshof2016[/media-credit]

It’s no secret that today will be the last day many of us work for this amazing site. Over the years, the people behind the scenes have poured countless amounts of blood, sweat, tears, and free-time into this site for little to no payoff. The thing that kept all of us going was our belief that the Divas, and women wrestlers in general, deserved better. They will always deserve better. These girls pour their hearts and souls into their art in order to be respected and to entertain each and every one of us. I thank them and I thank all of you who have supported us over the years.

Now with all that said, let me get my final contribution out of the way and turn superficial, and set the Divas Revolution (and women’s movement as a whole) back a few years and talk about the fashion on display last night at the WWE Hall of Fame banquet! Every year I look forward to this event the most because it’s the one night out of the year that everyone gets to get glammed up and walk a red carpet to celebrate the accolades and achievements of those who paved the way. This year, the fashion was at an all-time high and I had a hard time narrowing down my top five favorite looks. There were definitely some unexpected surprises, some favorites, and a few honorable mentions that we will start with.

Our first honorable mention goes to the Queen of Queen, Brie “Mother Earth” Bella.

A photo posted by Brie Bella (@thebriebella) on

Loved this dress and loved this color on Brie. I appreciate the fact it deviated from what we usually see her in, which is red or black, and I love the simple hair and pretty makeup. Brie doesn’t have to try hard to look amazing, and she was beautiful at the Hall of Fame.

Our second honorable goes to one of the competitor’s in tonight’s triple threat, Mrs. Becky Lynch.

A photo posted by Rebecca Quin (@beckylynchwwe) on

To be fair, the only reason she’s an honorable mention is because I have yet to find a picture of her entire look anywhere. But when I spied her sitting behind Bruno Sammartino last night with a daring plunging neckline, I was absolutely OBSESSED. She looked beautiful from what little we were able to see. Her hair and makeup were on point, and she looked radiant. Oh, and she’s totally my pick to win it all tonight.

Now, for our top five! I had a lot to pick from this year and bringing it in at number five this year is someone you guys might be surprised to see. First of all, this girl took a huge risk with her look. It was unexpected. It was flashy. And honestly, it was downright amazing. JoJo, girl, you stole my heart last night!

This look is EVERYTHING! I love the boho flair, the statement chain, the flowy skirt, the absolute leap of faith it took to even try and wear this. JoJo paired it perfectly with a sleek ponytail and maintained her youthful, fun look. She’s come such a long way since Total Divas, Season One and I guess I can’t really make fun of her for dating Sebastien anymore.

Up next, taking the fourth sport, is none other than Mrs. Summer Slay!

A photo posted by Summer Rae (@daniellemoinet) on

When it comes to fashion, Summer rarely misses, so it’s no surprise to see her bringing her “A” game to the Hall of Fame. Her gown was sleek and beautiful on her, and I loved the fact it had a sheer overlay. Her hair was pretty, the red lipstick was brilliant, but the highlight of Summer’s look for me were her statement earrings. They were perfection.

Taking third place on our list is someone who personally made me do a double take. Every time I’ve ever gone to SHIMMER I have gone above and beyond to avoid making eye contact with this woman because she scares the living shit out of me.

Saraya Knight STUNNED last night. I was not expecting that from her at all. I’m not saying she’s not a gorgeous woman, because obviously she is, but everything about her look last night was sinful in the best way. The color of her gown was so flattering against her stand-out hair and I love, love, LOVED her makeup so much. The lip color was fantastic and I just can’t gush enough about how fabulous Saraya looked.

Sidenote: I adored Paige’s gown the first time she wore it at the Oscars and I adored it just as much last night. Her new hair looks great as well.

Runner-up and Best Dressed are tricky for me because I have three looks and two spots. Trying to pick between these three women is difficult because all three of them went above and beyond last night. One of them brought something so different and so unique that it’s hard to make a case against her. The second looked better than she ever has before and pulled off a color that is so hard to wear. The third lady has set the beauty bar so incredibly high that we all waited to see what her polarizing personality would come up with for the most glamorous night of the year and she did not disappoint whatsoever.

My decision for Best Dressed boils down to this. When I compared these three looks side-by-side there was only one that I couldn’t find any fault with whatsoever. Therefore, we have two runner-ups for Best Dressed.

Our second runner-up, is our other Bella goddess, Queen Nikki Bella.

A photo posted by Nikki Bella (@thenikkibella) on

Like JoJo, Nikki took a huge risk with a look that probably shouldn’t have worked on anyone. Her two-piece gown gave us several little teasing glimpses of her amazing body and the red accents she added to such as her shoes, clutch, and lipstick really made her stand out. If there was ever a woman who could make a neck brace look a fashion accessory, it’s Nikki, and I appreciate her trying something so different and making it work on such a big night.

Our first runner-up and lady-in-waiting so to speak if our best dressed cannot fulfill her duties is none other than Eva Marie!

Really, there’s nothing wrong with Eva’s look at all. And I know people reading this are probably scratching their heads as to why she’s not the best dressed. It’s simple. When I to go through and nitpick the crap out of everything, it all boiled down to a hair style. I didn’t really care for Eva’s up do. In fact, I kind of felt bad for whoever had to sit behind her. I think long, gorgeous mermaid hair would have been better but like I said, that is just nitpicking. Everything about Eva Marie is beautiful. I’ve said time and time again that she has my favorite look ever for a WWE Diva. Last night, she exceeded my expectations and I personally can’t wait to see what kind of gear she wears tonight.

So where does that leave us? Oh yes! The coveted Best Dressed award! There’s no trophy, just bragging rights knowing that you truly looked better than all your peers and all the WAGs at the Hall of Fame. Dana Warrior, Natalya, Stephanie McMahon, Naomi, and Roman Reigns’ wife, Galina, all had drop dead gorgeous looks. But the person who stood out to me above everyone else was….

A photo posted by Emma – WWE (@emmalution) on

A photo posted by Emma – WWE (@emmalution) on

That’s right: Emma!

We all know Emma is beautiful, but last night took her to an entirely different level. I love her fashion anyway, but the purple gown with sheer black cutouts she wore was perfect. Everything about her look so was perfectly her. She had the best makeup as well. That cat eye, girl stop! I’ve never seen a more perfect cat eye in my life. And if all that wasn’t enough, Emma decided to throw caution to the wind and also do a statement lip. I have searched my entire adult life for a dark purple lipstick that flatters me and I respect the hell out of any woman who can rock such a bold lip.

Congratulations, Emma. You won the night in so many ways.

And that also wraps up this column and my time with Diva Dirt. Thank you for six years of great memories, laughs, and personal growth. Thank you for allowing me to help fight the good fight, for giving me a platform to write and express my opinions on women’s wrestling, and for letting me be involved in the business in some miniscule way.

For the last time… Cryssi, out.

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