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WWE Superstars Redux (October 30th, 2014): The Mean Girls Steal a Win

What’s up boys and girls? Welcome to this week’s Superstars write up. Last night had Summer Rae, with BFF Layla in her corner, taking on Emma. The ever-lovely Renee Young is on commentary once again, right where she belongs. God I hope she moves up to Raw and or/SmackDown soon.

Summer Rae is out first, dancing her way to the ring with Layla. Emma follows, and Summer and Layla are my spirit animals here. I’m pretty sure I’m in the minority here but I find Emma’s character quite irritating. Nothing against her talent or her actual person, obviously. But her gimmick with the dancing makes me roll my eyes so hard.

The girls lock up and Emma takes early control with a head lock and a shoulder block. She teases Summer a little next, then attempting a roll up victory. She gets a brief count of one before Summer fights back and attempts an unsuccessful pin of her own.

Summer’s in control now, beating on Emma on the mat, before throwing her into the corner and starting to work her over. She chokes her out and goes for another pin, this time getting a two count. Summer locks in a modified head lock and while the crowd tries to rally behind Emma, Summer won’t let her get a look in and pulls her back to the mat, shutting down any offence Emma may have gained.

Finally, after some taunting from both Summer and Layla, Emma mounts a comeback and knocks Summer down a couple of pegs with a crossbody and some clotheslines. Summer throws her back into the corner, but Emma catches her in the DilEmma, followed up by her Emmamite Sandwich. Summer’s in trouble now as Emma drags her to the centre of the ring and attempts the Emmalock.

Layla’s too savvy for that, however, and distracts Emma long enough for her BFF to pick up a cheeky, sneaky win via roll up. Emma’s in disbelief as Summer rolls out of harms way to celebrate with Layla.

Thoughts: I always like seeing these two mix it up and this was no exception. Contrary to what I’m sure is popular belief after what I said earlier, I’m a big Emma fan. I think she’s exciting and she has a great look. At the end of this match, right before Summer pinned her, we got to see a little bit of Emma’s sass come out and I think that’s the direction her character needs to go in.

She made a brief cameo on Total Divas alongside Summer Rae (I think it was Summer) and she quickly came across as someone who takes no shit and will tell you to get on with things. I’d like to see her character evolve more in that direction. I think she could be a key player in the division someday soon.

You know, as long as she stops accidentally putting things in her purse that she hasn’t paid for…

I don’t mind Summer either. She certainly plays the bitchy heel very well and the Regina George role fits her. I wouldn’t call Layla a Karen, however. She’s much more the Gretchen Weiners. Or Cady, after she topples Regina and becomes queen bitch. Oh Mean Girls. Always relevant.

Until next time, ciao! x

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