Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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Money in the Bank Predictions: Nikki Bella vs. Paige for the Divas Title

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Tonight at Money in the Bank, Nikki Bella defends the Divas Title against Paige. Will Paige make a change? The Diva Dirt team weighs in:

Chris: In all of my days I’ve never seen a feud with such emotion, such desire, and such heart. The long term story telling behind this rivalry has been absolutely incredible! Highlights include story arks such as when Paige put over one of her heel rivals she was feuding with two weeks, and Nikki Bella randomly turning for the second time in months. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is truly the height of main roster storytelling. Nikki Bella retains.

Eleri: Given the lackluster build this match has had the past few weeks, I’m not expecting much of a bait and switch. That said, I do expect some kind of mischief and I think twin magic will play a role in the outcome. While I’d prefer it to be that it costs Nikki the match via a disqualification, thereby keeping the title on her, I admit I’m a little worried it’ll go the other way and Paige will walk out Divas champ. The thing is, I like Paige. She has her bad moments, as do they all, but overall she’s cool and I can’t fault her passion or talent. I just don’t understand why Naomi has suddenly had to take a back seat to her in the title picture. I would be so much more pumped for this match if it were Nikki and Naomi again. Paige being shoved down our throats as the constant contender is not fun. Alas, here we are. I’m going with my heart and predicting that Nikki Bella walks out champion.

Erin: Like most Diva fans, I haven’t been too captivated by this feud. The rapid-fire nature of the WWE’s recent “live specials” has resulted in little excitement for the Divas, and I can’t see them changing champions when we have yet another special coming up on July 4th. I see Nikki Bella hanging onto the title tonight so she can lend some higher stakes to the Supercard match, as her Divas Title reign will be that much closer to breaking AJ Lee‘s record.

Jack: I will put as much effort into my prediction as WWE have put into booking this “story”. Nikki Bella retains.

Jake: I predict that Nikki will retain…just kidding, that was my prediction the first 8,000 times we saw this match. While I love these two women in the ring together I could use a change. I’m predicting that Paige will finally win the belt from Nikki. She has to, I’m so tired of hearing the commentators talk about how close she is to becoming a 3 time Divas Champion like AJ Lee and Eve Torres, the only fact they know. Paige knows that the Bellas will attempt Twin Magic and I’m sure will have some weird way to thwart their plans, maybe having a random Diva roll out under the ring dressed as Paige to stop Brie or some crap. Either way, this is Paige’s night.

Josue: At this point, I’m just convinced that WWE have no clear direction of where they want to take their Divas division. This is a match that we’ve pretty much seen in every PPV since the start of this year in some shape or form. Paige winning the title would only mean that this feud with go and forth, so I don’t really see much benefit from her winning the belt once again. I’m just going to go on a limb from here on out and predict that Nikki Bella will retain her title in every Divas championship match until she has surpassed AJ’s record breaking reign. All I ask that we get new contenders after this one.

BREAKDOWN: 5 for Nikki, 1 for Paige.

Who do you agree with? Who is just dead wrong?

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