Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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SummerSlam Predictions: AJ Lee & Big E. Langston vs. Kaitlyn & Dolph Ziggler

Tonight at SummerSlam, two feuds will intersect when AJ Lee & Big E. Langston face Kaitlyn & Dolph Ziggler. Which pair will win the bragging rights? The Diva Dirt team weighs in:

Adrian: Of the two matches with Diva representation tonight, this is definitely the one I’m most excited for. All four competitors are favourites of mine, and all four have enough substance to their characters to tell a great story in the ring. My prediction is for Kaitlyn & Dolph to get the win – both need big pay-per-view victories to make up for their lacklustre records in recent weeks and get Dolph back into WHC contention, while AJ will lose no momentum from a loss in these circumstances, and Big E, much like Ziggler last year, is the kind of guy who could lose ten times in a row and not suffer in the slightest. With any luck this should be the last chapter in the feud between these four, and we should see bigger and better things from them in the months to come.

Bobby: As a major insanely crazed fan of all four people in this match, I love that they combined both feuds instead of doing two singles matches. No matter how much I love them, I’m never really a fan of seeing the same match repeated over and over so I wasn’t really pulling for AJ and Kaitlyn to face off yet again this soon. I just feel like it sort of burns a feud out, whereas it’s better if they mix it up in different match types in between, or even resurrect the feud months down the line so it feels fresh again. As far as what I want to happen, I’d love to see some female/male pairings mix it up… or as much as WWE will allow. I think it’d be beyond cool if AJ and Dolph get a big stare off and tease interaction a few times, with maybe the end coming when Kaitlyn goes to spear AJ, but she dodges out of the way and causes Dolph to take the move instead. Then AJ looks to capitalize on Kaitlyn from behind, but Kaitlyn ducks a clothesline or something to that effect, and plants AJ with the spear as well to get the necessary revenge but also continue the whole “Kaitlyn’s allies can’t really trust her” ordeal as she would essentially have proven she could win without Dolph’s help in the end and that might not sit well with him. So even though they won’t be on the same page, it’s Kaitlyn & Dolph to attain the victory. I still don’t believe Kaitlyn’s win should lead her to another title shot though, rather this should be more than that and count as finally getting revenge over AJ for the time being. They can always pick things up again down the road, but to me, I feel like it’s time for a new feud to take over. Perhaps involving Natalya or a Funkadactyl?

Chris: Everything has been building to this. AJ & Kaitlyn have been feuding on and off for over a year, and they’ve been feuding full time since WrestleMania season. Along the way there have been twist and turns involving Big E, Dolph, and Layla. This is the culmination of it all. The story has to end here, or at least this chapter in it. Kaitlyn has nothing else to lose, AJ has taken everything there is to take from her. That’s why I see Kaitlyn & Dolph finally getting some revenge and picking up the win.

Cryssi: I’m definitely glad that this match basically signals the end of all the drama for these four people. AJ and Kaitlyn has been so one sided that it doesn’t even feel like a rivalry now, and Dolph needs to be getting his title back (unless bb Christian wins) of course. This seems the best chance for Kaitlyn to get the victory over AJ, but I don’t see it happening. WWE hasn’t done our favorite hybrid diva any favors with this feud and they’re not gunna start tonight. Kaitlyn ends up accidentally spearing Dolph, leading to him getting destroyed by Langston. And AJ will capitalize on the chaos and roll Kaitlyn up for another victory, capping off this feud in disappointing fashion. AJ & Big E. for the win.

Eleri: I can’t wait for this; I’m considering buying Summerslam for this match alone, ngl. The rivalry between Kaitlyn and AJ has been so intense and for it to culminate at Summerslam is awesone. Adding Dolph and Big E makes it extra special, especially given how Dolph has a romantic history with both ladies. I’m still sad that they never took the Dolph/Kaitlyn storyline further, but I digress. Or do I? You never know! Anyway, back to the prediction. I see Kaitlyn & Dolph winning this one, thereby ending AJ’s respective feuds with both of them. I then expect Natalya to move into the title hunt, but that’s a story for another day. I hope!

Erin: Kaitlyn has suffered loss after loss, so in order for not to be completely buried by this feud, I think she needs to pick up a win. This provides the perfect opportunity, as there’s no title on the line and AJ won’t lose one-on-one. I see Kaitlyn & Dolph winning, allowing the two of them to finally put AJ in her place and move on in their own directions.

Jack: I’m split on how this will go. Kaitlyn has said that this will be the final time she gets her hands on AJ yet I feel like Kaitlyn and especially Dolph need to come out of this looking good. If she was to win, as the mixed tag was non-title, I can see her facing Natalya on Raw to crown the new #1 Contender with Natalya winning. As Nattie’s match with Brie isn’t set as a #1 Contender match officially, this seems a more likely route. Kaitlyn & Dolph win.

Katelyn: I definitely think that Kaitlyn & Dolph need the win more than Big E and AJ at this point, so I see the babyface team picking up the victory. Dolph needs to move on and out of this feud and back into the title picture. Seeing AJ scream and pound the mat in frustration after her loss will be hilarious. I think many have lost interest in the AJ/Kaitlyn feud and they need to start wrapping it up. The next pay-per-view is Night of Champions, where AJ will have to defend the Divas Championship. I could see Kaitlyn regaining the title there and possibly moving into a feud with one of the Total Divas stars.

Melanie: With the way things have been going in AJ’s favour in recent months, it looks like Kaitlyn will finally have her revenge on the Divas Champion at SummerSlam tonight. This should be a fun match with Dolph Ziggler involved, too. Would be cool to see Zigs and Kaitlyn hit some sort of tag team move, or maybe even see AJ hit a spot on Ziggler. We all know he’s OK with selling for a Diva! (See Royal Rumble with Kharma.) Kaitlyn & Dolph win.

Steven: This is a hard match to call. On one hand, if Kaitlyn and Dolph win, I feel like it gives more life to her feud with AJ, which I honestly think has run it’s course at this point. On the other hand, a win for AJ and Big E effectively end the rivalry and opens both Divas up for new rivalry, which is the ideal situation for me. That said, I expect Layla to make her presence known and help AJ & Big E. pick up the win at SummerSlam. I also expect a new challenger to be established on Monday Night Raw.

BREAKDOWN: 2 for AJ & Big E., 8 for Kaitlyn & Dolph.

Who do you agree with? Who is just dead wrong?

Note: We’re keeping a record of our Pay-Per-View predictions. Check out Team Diva Dirt’s PPV Prediction Scoreboard after the match to see who’s in the lead!

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